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LINK Montana Man Who Tore Down Ten Commandments Monument Will Avoid Prison Time | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Anthony Weimer, the 30-year-old man who brought down a Ten Commandments monument outside the courthouse grounds in Kalispell, Montana, has finally been sentenced. He will have to the city $7,000 for the damage but he’ll avoid jail time if he stays out of trouble for the next three years. That’s arguably a good deal for him considering he faced up to ten years in prison.

In court, before he was found guilty of a crime, Weimer argued that the Christian monument should be surrounded Islamic or Satanic displays (so that Christianity wasn’t the only religion in the display, which included other smaller secular monuments) and also said it was offensive to Christians for the monument to be more or less “hidden” away where it was located.

snytiger6 9 Jan 24

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This has the potential for the state lawmakers to introduce laws based on the attack on the capitol...


Imo, He should be awarded a medal at least.


I don't believe in vandalism.
But a fine and and probation seems about right.


Need to keep up pressure in separation of church/state

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