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My nephew is a typical southern Republican. Even though he was only 7 ears old when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act were passed, he cites them as the reasons why he is a conservative Republican. What he is, is a bigot; and I am ashamed of him.

wordywalt 9 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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So what kinds of reasons does he give?

In general, he does not give any lother reason. Sometimes, though, he talks about his "southern heritage." I have told him several times that I grew up in the same county as he did, and his "southern heritage" damned sure is not mine.

@wordywalt So the usual, just because.


Southern bigotry is White privilege. White privilege, especially white male privilege dies hard. Its a cancer that rots the brain.


Typical for Southern bigots


That makes him 65 years old.
Bad ideas are dying off in our crowd.
Good thing too.


Brainwashed by parents or the conservative mindset of today.


That would definitely be distressing and disappointing. I have a cousin in the Orlando area whom I'm pretty sure would have voted for Trump and probably doesn't interact much with people of color.

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 5, 2021

So sorry you have to deal with this! I hope you don't have to see him very often.

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