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Would you date someone religious?

Would you date someone who went to church regularly and fully believed in the Bible? What about someone who wasn’t quite religious but still believed in God or a higher power?

BohoHeathen 8 Apr 14

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No, as its there religious duty to trick me into converting. But i will date the fake religious, hypocrite one, only if he admits to me that he is pretending to be religious. Otherwise religious people have too many problems. Churches are not free you have to pay 10% or more of your salary to go listen to the book written in ancient language.

Arshi Level 5 June 30, 2018

By your question, a devout Christian who fully believed in the Bible wouldn't be able to seriously date me as we would be "unevenly yoked". It couldn't last even if we had a great deal of chemistry. I think the higher power woman could be possible if she was open-minded and willing to have as much dialogue about it as other topics.


If they understood and respected my worldview, then I don't see why not.


If they were accepting of others position no problem. The saying “ Do not envy those who oppress you and choose none of their ways” as someone who has rejected what was taught them, if I take same attitude of a bigot, how am I better? Most would like to believe that they are right but in essence we really don’t know we just have our opinion. So once again I could say yes. I would be open to it.


No because it would make me a hypocrite and also because I would have to make it my mission to show them the error of their ways - and that would likely end badly lol

@BohoHeathen most certainly - and a headache is something i get enough of already hahaha


I don't think that I could, no.


To be absolutely honest, it would depend on how much I liked her. If I find someone attractive I'm not going to allow some imagined phantom to deny me either way!


Bible thumping church rat? Noooo. Religious believer, don't know. Probably not. I've come to believe that people that form irrational beliefs tend to form far many more irrational ones in life.

Proto Level 6 May 16, 2018

Yep, fine with me. They're gonna know my views, and as long as they're good with that, and they don't try to save me, we'll be fine.


I would have to say that it depends on her degree of religiosity. Heavily religious would be a non-starter, regardless. While mildly religious could be fine for casual dating, it would preclude anything long-term -- I just have a low tolerance for magical thinking and church-speak. Maybe I could cope with a Buddhist or a Hindu with sufficiently secular leanings. Given my druthers, however, a reality-based, science-oriented mindset would better fit my own. Let's keep the mythology to a bare minimum and we'll do fine. 🙂

Godot Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

Nope. Been in a long marriage with someone who didn't have the same beliefs. Not doing that a 2nd time.


No to someone fully believing in any religious text to where it dictates their life. As for going to church that depends on the faith and denomination and if they try to force me to go. I dated a Catholic woman once and she asked me to go with her, not to save my soul, but to share in her life. I went because I have never been, it was interesting and interesting and it didn't change my theological ideas. Some people need that hope and belief in a higher being to make them feel like life is worth living. I don't agree with any of it but it all depends on the person. I guess.


Is she hot????


@Proto have you heard of this thing called sense of humor? If you haven't then that's what is really lame. Should try it sometime, you may like it (yeah yeah, of course I've said that with all due respect, which I am sure your comment was intended that way too)

@IamNobody i was teasing. Sarcasm bro

@Proto holly guacamole, gotta admit you got my wheels turning.... Just a bad day, no worries. I have a short memory anyway


Prefer not to. The truly religious seem to have the need to talk it, display it, practice it openly, have religious friends and want their partner to eventually participate. It's a source of friction in both directions. That's not a good thing. I'm here to see if there's any chance of finding an interesting NON-religious lady who matches-up on a few other things as well.


I have 2 great female friends that are religious Christians. I love them both very much and the answer is no way in hell.


Yes, but im probably not going to church with her.


no i would not.....

dc65 Level 7 Apr 14, 2018

Yes to both.

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