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LINK GOP Senator: No One Should Be Allowed to Vote on Sundays Because That Angers God | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Of all the examples of how Republicans are trying to curtail the right to vote — especially if it puts more obstacles in the way of Black voters — the most obvious and egregious one came from Georgia, where legislators pushed a bill that would’ve prevented early voting on Sundays before an election.

As NPR explained, this was hardly coincidental. Many Black churches hold events where they go vote directly after services. Those events are called “Souls to the Polls.” By blocking Sunday voting, it would effectively put an unnecessary barrier in front of those voters.

snytiger6 9 Mar 25

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Then why churches allow voting happen if it's against there bs.


I was unaware of any Sunday voting, ever...?

Only certain states.


Gee, if he talks to God, can he start writing a new bible?


I'm amazed how these ass holes speak for their imaginary god.


I wonder which god? 🤔


ARRRRRGH! I hope we'll see this shut down!

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