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America's nothing more than the petri dish on which this world grows its imbeciles.

Dyl1983 8 Apr 13

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No your I am sorry to say that I think they are entirely home grown, please don't try to blame the rest of the world.


AmeriKKKa is a fucking shithole...thanks to every single idiot who voted for Trump and continues to divide us by supporting treason and sedition. FUCK WHITE SUPREMACY.


Tell us again that it's okay for you to insult others because you're disabled.

@Dyl1983 That comment tells us a whole lot about you!

But also you once posted that it was okay for you to insult others because you are intellectually disabled in that you don't think before you speak or write. Did you know that one definition of "imbecile" is intellectually disabled?

@Dyl1983 How many Americans do you know in order to justify that conclusion?

You also might want to be a little more careful with the word "moron", also indicative of an intellectual disability.

@Dyl1983 Do you think editing your comment calling me an "ignorant bitch" excuses you for having said it?

Have you asked yourself why you derive satisfaction from insulting people that you don't know?

@Dyl1983 So you think it's okay to insult people on the basis of their national origin, over which they had no control. How about insults on the basis of disability? Race or ethnicity? Gender identification or sexual orientation? It really is all the same thing, you know.

@Dyl1983 There is no shame to be had in any disability. We each have our own deficits and differences. But there is shame to be had in insulting people, especially groups of people, on the basis of a charactistic over which they had no control. Your post is offensive, inappropriate and mean-spirited.

@Dyl1983 Thank you for that. I'm pretty sure you can do better or I wouldn't have bothered discussing it with you. Life is hard and people are struggling. We are all stronger pulling together.

@Dyl1983 if your frontal lobe was damaged how did elasticity respond in developing a PFC? That would be a fascinating case study over time.


America is the wealthiest, most powerful petri dish in the world.

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