3 2

Probably a reasonable price as it would be a salvage title because it was originally in a wreck.

Surfpirate 9 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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They were a really cheap, looking car to be as expensive as they were.

The only impressive thing was the gimmicky doors.

Other than that it did not look much better than a Honda Civic.


@Surfpirate Yeah. All those sharp angles.

Not an attractive car at all.

@BufftonBeotch That's stainless steel for you, hard to get those sweeping curves to work with that material.

@Surfpirate So you agree it was ugly.

@BufftonBeotch I tend to drive old British vehicles that leak oil all over the place and only seem to run half of the time but I also recognize the limitations of the material the Delorean was made from and the fact that it was up against the big 3 from the beginning and unlikely to succeed anymore than the Bricklin car.
That said I am in line for one of these in the next year or two. I do happen to own an electric bicycle company and have a house that runs on solar power.


Very cool car

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 21, 2021

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