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Covid Variant From India Triggers WHO Concern Over Fast Spread


FearlessFly 9 May 10

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This is why we need to ship vaccines everywhere, the longer it takes the more likely a mutation evolves that will become our extinction event.


This variant has been named after the Narcissistic prime minister Modi who likes praise, publicity and places named after him.

The damage of spread has already started and rapidly increasing every day. The only superspeader responsible is idiot Modi. Modi is 10 times more narcissistic than Trump.

The meme here says Modi is the messenger of death.

India's covid deaths are heavily underreported, I was the first to post here in late April 2020. Health Data experts are saying the real deaths are 2 million, not 234,000. This is not an exaggeration... People are dying in streets like rats... in auto-rickshaws, parking lots and sidewalks. See on YouTube, the govt crony media is not showing.


We know India is deliberately not reporting the true number of covid deaths.
This new variant could be one of the reasons why.


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