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Has anyone tried a home DNA kit?

Did you find out anything interesting? I found out 6 to 8 grandparents ago one of my grandparents was 100% west African. Estimated to have been born around 1710-1800. It hit me shortly after reading the results that they must have been a slave. My father's family is darkish olive skinned and the family story was that in the 1700's one of my ancestors married a native American. Problem is there was no native American DNA in my profile. I'm guessing the story was started to cover up a bi-racial baby? Anyone have any good stories they uncovered?

BrightTyger979 6 Apr 16

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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I'm sure that I'm a mutt. Besides, I'm not letting anyone have that info.

Part of me wants to take one, but then I can't because I don't trust it.

@Browneyedlady yes, they sell you the kit and then sell the info to a third party.

All of all of this.


Haven't and won't. Not terribly interested in any of that stuff.


My mom did the test for kicks and giggles. Viking German French.


Sounds about right. My grandmother on my father's side used to have a tobacco plantation in the family. Their go-to story was that we were part Cherokee. Well we had all of my grandparents tested and she did not have a drop of native american dna, but the 4% African was there. It was funny because she's pretty racist at times. Still there's some family that are in denial.

😮 funny


I've not tried it yet, but I have Native American Indian from both my parents, plus my dad's family line is from Spain, so I'm a right mix.

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