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Is there a word or phrase that makes you say "ew"?

Words have different meanings for different people. Some offend, some seem pretentious, some are just silly. The words I'm thinking of, are just simple words, that bug us, or make us a bit uncomfortable. Like "moist", I guess there is some science behind it. I haven't read it yet.

Mine is "hump", used in sexual context. I believe it's because it reminds me of elementary school. I have heard it used by adults, that is when my face scrunches up, and I think "ew"

This is an older video, but it makes me laugh.

Stacey48 8 Apr 17

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How about "rancid."?


The name Kelly Ann Conway. EW!

This made me laugh and say ew


"Bae" and "baby daddy/mama" spring to mind.


"How are ya?" I am not convinced that most people who ask this question (especially strangers)
don't really give a rats ass and really really don't want to hear how you are doing.?


"politically incorrect"
"no problem" instead of "you're welcome."


Urethral discharge

That literally made me say "Ewww"




Venue, Pew and View.. to name a Few.

Alluring alliteration ... I like it!


Ive always never liked insect larve, the slang word Twat!!


Moist. Except when it applies to cake.



i can't think of any i have, but my dad would almost throw up if you said intrails(not sure i spelled that correctly). i couldnt stand the man, so i liked to throw it into conversation as much as possible 🙂

Byrd Level 7 Apr 17, 2018


@AtheistInNC thank you. i used to be much better at spelling, but i got used to my old tablet auto correcting things and started slacking. tablet broke and this sad old laptop only auto corrects when it feels like it, lol

@Byrd When I was in high school, my dad "asked" me to help him butcher a sheep (we lived just north of north bumfuck, Missouri). He taught me the word "entrails" I believe. Of course, hanging a dead sheep up in a tree and cutting it open so it de-entrails itself is a learning experience in itself.


For me, there aren't many words, but there are pharases such as "between you and I", "her and I", etc. Grammarians will understand.

Those are the WORST pharases I've ever hert.


When they say... " really really". sounds so stupid.


“supple” , don’t know why but it’s just horrific

Hadn't thought of that one before, but I do believe I now have a problem with supple. Thanks for that.

@Alimacbean No worries ?


Video was hilarious and it definitely brought one to mind. Swag... Just, stop!


Another vote for 'moist.'. Bleccchh. Also, the sound of the word 'lunch' just grates on me. As well as almost anything with a short 'a' before an 'n' or 'm.'. 'Panties,' 'pamper,' 'pamphlet,' etc. Guh. Hate those sounds.

Also, 'yaaaaaaaasssss'. Fuckin hate that noise.


Pacific (for specific) supposebly , physicality, athleticism. “More better” “non sequitur”, aks, reckon.


What’s up?




its fine as a name lol but when its used in "my guy" lol


Hubby and or wifey

Omg I hate that! I have a friend with a shirt that says wifey. I hurt my eyes rolling them so hard. I also don’t particularly care for babe or baby...


Well there's always 'moist' .My least favorite is 'Trickle down theory' and anything coming from that orange embarassment.


One of the few advantages of growing old is to have outlived both awful US usages of the word "heinie". I am guess I have an old fashioned, Forrest Gump mindset that prefers "buttocks".

By intellect, it is the errosion of the precise word "decimate" that through ignorance and misuse has become accepted to mean "devastate". Ewww.


“Blessed” tends to make me cringe. I am surprised that no one else has mentioned it yet.

Yes and #blessed, “I am so blessed”, “it/he/she is such a blessing” etc.


Sorry..couldn't finish it..all those words grossed me out.


Pussy. Eww

@Stacey48 naw, I'm a rocket man

@Teslacoilsmith agreed on pussy.

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