Just like in New York and Minneapolis. And no one seems to misses them. Not one agency, citizen, group, organization or space alien has begged either CRU to return. No one's crowd sourcing or petitioning for their return. Not even their unions bother mentioning them.
(And yes, just like other cities, this theater is just that. Not one actually quit their day job, they're all still cops and they're all still employed. They just aren't dressing up as Rambo or The Terminator escalating tensions.)
Sounds like it's time for a recruitment drive, replace the bad cops with good cops.
@SeaGreenEyez So long as people continue to believe that it is impossible to change then it will continue to be impossible. I'm not saying it can happen over night but it can happen over time.
Allowing yourself to be held hostage by the very people who are supposed to serve and protect is a losing proposition.
@SeaGreenEyez, pseudo?