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Silicon Valley is trying to 'cure' old age. Is that a good idea?


xenoview 8 June 25

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I'm not for prolonging or stopping death from natural causes. Humans need to get a lot more comfy with impermanence.


@skado Death brings with it a number of lessons as well as clearing resources for younger, more able, people. It’s useful. I could see allowing people to opt out after a certain age or not, though. No life saving measures at a certain point. So long as I don’t have to live longer that would satisfy me.


As usual it can go either way. If it can prolong good health and reduce the need for medical interventions it might be good but there will be a final end and unless it comes through some sort of euthanasia program there will ultimately be suffering. One especially negative part is, it will and has meant the world being more overpopulated. Overpopulation does not just come from more babies but more people living longer. Funny, how many ultra rich people push things like programs to extend life of cryogenic methods of prolong a life until cures can be found.


Oh, yeah! I can't do it all by myself!!!


Oh hell yes. I have not found one good thing about old age and I have been lucky in that I am in very good health. Bring it on and please hurry.


Oh sure, I always trust guys who look like a cross between Rasputin and Charlie Manson!

Pretty funny coming from a man who doesn't post his own photo here. 🙂

@Sticks48 Good point… well played! My avatar was much too good looking to ignore! 😉


nothing new.


Yes, the social implications are staggering, especially if it turns out to be something only the rich can afford. FYI, insurance actuarial tables say if accidents were the only cause of death, 10,000 would be the typical lifespan with lucky folks making it to 20,000 or more. Sooner or later though you get hit by a bus. 🙂

The rich only get hit by a bus if someone drags them down to the corner and pushes them in front of it.


Yes. I just wish they would get on with it! I’m not getting any younger.

skado Level 9 June 25, 2021


I stopped getting younger a long time ago ! 😮 🙂

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