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This time Cheato will not be occupying the penthouse.

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 2

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Only been trying for 5 years.

Come on man….

Rome was not built in a day.

@Flyingsaucesir if they have to try that hard and dig that deep; it’s clearly a witch hunt.

Oh, I see you drank the Cool-aide. So how's the weather up there in the ionosphere?

Back down here on Earth, we had 86 election court cases where Cheato's lawyers lost or got thrown out...that was all a conspiracy? And his own hand-picked Attorney General saying there was no widespread fraud...he's in on it too? And the Republican AG (Rafthensberger) in Georgia, and the state senator in Michigan (McBroom), they're in on it too? And the Republican election officials in Arizona? Them too?

To use your own words: come on!

Alexander Hamilton could see Cheato coming 220 years ago.

@Flyingsaucesir Court Jester is very, very easy to fool......

Alas! Poor Yorick!

@AnneWimsey so when has Trump gone to jail???


I am eager for the day he takes up residency.

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