8 3

I know it's basically a meme, but I am truly curious, did Biden really say this in regard to the constitutional amendments? If so, I'm all in favor of ignoring the 16th amendment. It'll provide me with more disposable income.

RobertMartin 8 July 2

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Laws should never be absolute. They should evolve with society.

Mvtt Level 7 July 3, 2021

Everybody pays as little tax as they can get away with. Death and Taxes. You can get away without paying taxes, death is a different story.


Yes he did say it and he was referring to the second amendment as he tries to slow down the health crisis posed by everyone toting a gun in many places.

We already have exceptions to everyone in America paying taxes. Hopefully he'll get rid of some of those exceptions and our taxes will become fair and maybe even you won't mind paying your fair share for the many things you use that are built or managed by the federal government.


There's no such thing as an unfettered right. Even if he didn't say it, it's true nonetheless. The right to bear arms doesn't mean you can own any weapon you want, freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you want without consequence, etc.

That is true. For example a person convicted of a violent crime must not be allowed to own a gun. Another example, a person cannot yell jump when there is someone contemplating jumping off the roof of a building or parking garage.


It's your responsibility to verify an alleged quote before posting it.

I don't have CNN, Foxnews, ect. I'm a streamer.
I really wanted everyone's take on this.

@RobertMartin Yes, I know exactly what you were after.


You really think the Amendmemts, or anything written by humans are absolutes? Might as well believe in the Bible.

Good point


An amendment to the C. can be repealed or amended, so as B. said it’s not final.

How good is your lawyer?


If the wealthy paid their fair share, most of the rest could pay next to nothing.

Maybe it's time for a flat tax, everyone pays say 15% of their income.

@RobertMartin A flat tax would be even more regressive than what we have now.

@RobertMartin @LovinLarge That might be a starting point. We supposedly have that in the form of the Alternative Minimum Tax, but as always, that has been corrupted too. The other MAJOR problem is that allowed extreme wealth corrupts the political system. We need a wealth tax as well; 15% per year on wealth over 100 million would be eminently appropriate.

@racocn8 the tax on the wealthy shouldn't be extreme, it may be viewed by some as a punishment for hard work and becoming successful.

@LovinLarge any form of income tax can be cheated. Rich people can hide money by way of money laundering, pretty much what is done now. Income tax is an unreliable form of revenue. When the economy is bad, there usually are fewer jobs resulting in less tax revenues.

@RobertMartin Deflect all you want, flat taxes will always be regressive. It's time to make America great again by taxing the wealthy like we used to do.


@LovinLarge just curious, how would a flat tax be regressive?

@RobertMartin Flat taxes are regressive because they have a greater impact on those with lower incomes.

@LovinLarge I suspect he knows that.

@LovinLarge, @RobertMartin I'll play. Rich people don't have "income." They get dividends from stocks and assets. THAT tax is significantly less than a flat tax would be so they still won't claim income.

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