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Trump and Pence sign? I live in a semi-rural area and there is a veterinarian a short distance from me. I have written about him before; he is an ultra Christian who used to send me Xmas cards saying that I was going to hell before I stopped taking my cats there. He also posted on his marquee during the '20 election that someone had stolen his Trump/Pence signs--no, it wasn't me, but I wish that it had been. Apparently, he was boiling mad about that!

Today, I noticed that he has placed a small "Trump/Pence" sign near the entrance of his business with a "Pro Trump/Pro Gun" sign alongside it. I wonder if he thinks that Trump was reinstated as president last Friday?

Gwendolyn2018 9 Aug 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Is this a bad time to mention that I avoid semi-rural areas for reasons much like this?


Better than what they did in the rural area around here. They burned down a barn with a Biden/Harris mural painted on it!. He should count himself lucky. Liberals tend to be passive/aggressive. 😁


This is All highly unprofessional & should be reported to your State's governing board!!!!!


When driving ten miles out of the way to go to the vet might be worthwhile!


Who knows sounds crazy and delusional

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 16, 2021
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