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A three-question yes/no poll. First two are fairly urgent, third less so. Answer any or all three. Embellish if you wish. Seeking candid opinions. I will neither challenge nor discuss your responses.

  1. Are Joe Biden's statements unquestionably and reliably truthful?
  2. Will Kamala Harris be an acceptable commander-in chief?
  3. Is / was Trump responsible for the U.S. failure in Afghanistan?
PBuck0145 7 Aug 17

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  1. They better be truthful because you can be sure they'll get fact-checked.
  2. Harris would be a horrible awful Commander-in-Chief, but certainly orders of magnitude better than anyone from the GQP.
  3. Trump certainly has a great deal more responsibility for the mess than Biden. He set Biden up on this one. It's a challenge, but Biden is pulling through it.

no, no and who knows


I'm going to choose not to engage what seems like a biased set of questions. Thanks for playing our game.


lame pile of questions. next to the chump biden is a boy scout, you know honorable, honest etc. next to the chump anyone is acceptable and even competent. kamala exceptionally so. the chump isnt capable of being "responsible" for anything. he is a complete failure.

  1. Biden is to the best of his ability honest, but who's 100% honest even when I try it's just not practical all the time. "How are you?", honest answer would be thirty pages of complaints and grievances, no time so I say "I'm fine, and I hope you're Ok too." when I don't give a shit about them, and I tend to be more honest than many people I know.

  2. Of course Kamala Harris is acceptable as commander in chief. What kind of demented bullshit would someone be about to argue otherwise other than just pure misogynistic hate and racism?

  3. No almost everyone is responsible for Afghanistan, we never should have been there in the first place, but we let a war criminal named Reagan pretend the fundamentalist Islamic forces were a group of American style freedom fighters then we let the second stupidest President in history G.W. Bush, also a war criminal, convince us that they somehow had something to do with 9/11 so we could go steal their mineral resources. Barbara Lee Rep from California was the only person in Congress that didn't vote to invade, but there were many of us that knew it was wrong from day one.

Actually we got involved in Afghanistan under Carter and his National Security Advisor Brzezinski. Reagan ramped it up. And the Taliban came after the Soviets left Afghanistan and Reagan left office.

GREAT replies!

@Scott321 Right, The Taliban emerged in 1994 as one of the prominent factions in the Afghan Civil War after Reagan, but it was all the same characters and it was always about Islamic law, just like the Conservative Christians in America are all about legislating morality. It's the same Devil.
Billy Graham wasn't tea party, but you know Billy was tea party pre tea party and integral to it's damn formation.

@Willow_Wisp We can go back even farther and blame the USSR for encouraging a coup against the centrist government back in 1978, because they wanted to acquire a new client state in SW Asia.

The Soviet intervention had the exact same problems ours had; able to largely control the cities, unable to control the countryside, unable to gain popular support and eventually facing stalemate against a determined Muslim opposition. They also tried to leave suppressing the rebellion to the Afghan army, only to find them ineffective and plagued with desertions.

Had we limited our goals to eliminating Al Qaeda, pursued that goal with appropriate forces rather than try to run a war on the cheap, sealed up Tora Bora rather than rely on a corrupt Pakistani military to do the job, and then finished the job rather than haring off to a war of choice in Iraq (which created 20 Al Qaeda recruits for every 1 that was killed).....

We would still have very likely come up against the same problem. But we would have had a stronger central government on our side, and possibly stood a chance of resolving it favorably, temporarily. At very least we might not be seen as the enemy of the whole Muslim people.

  1. I do not believe that Biden will deliberately lie.

  2. Yes. Why not?

  3. Trump is not solely responsible. The chief Culprits were Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. Obama also did not recognize realize that nation-building in Afghanistan was an impossible task soon enough.

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