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Amazing!!! Trump supporters are horrible creeps. Who knew???

A pro-Trump social media service built on 'freedom of speech' isn't moderating some child pornography


Dyl1983 8 Aug 17

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I've always thought that the #PutinIsQ #Dittoheads claim that Democrats are the Child Rapists & Vampires, was actually a Russian GRU Intelligence Op, or #Whataboutism scam. To deflect attention from the known Sexual Harassers, Sexual Abusers, Rapists & Pedophiles in the #Republicon Party.


That's fine. You know the FBI infiltrated that shit on day 1, so its members are going to start slowly disappearing.


As if we couldn't tell from their accusations, everything they claim their political targets are guilty of we already know they do themselves, like stealing elections, still trying as we watch the fuckers still attempting to steal our election while accusing us of stealing the election.
Republicans = Gaslighters and stupid fucks.

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