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How about you, do you wear a mask? Why or why not?

glennlab 10 Aug 23

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Yes, I wear a mask. Why? Read meme😎


I wear a mask because I want to do everything I can to not kill my wife.


Indoors with strangers. Yes. It's pretty much protocol where I live. I also can laugh at people or have a face of disapproval without getting negative fireback.


Lately, I've been even wearing masks in the shower. However, friends tell me that might just be a wee-bit excessive.


In the UK, the government published figures, which are very doubtful and a very rough approximation, saying that. If when you meet someone, one of you wears a mask it reduces the chances of infection by 40% and if both of you are wearing a mask by 70%. The figures are very rough and questionable , far too exact to be literally true. But most people opted to wear a mask, for the simple reason that in the UK we do not trust our government, when we have reason to suspect they have a hidden agenda, but we tend to trust them when there is no reason not to, and no reason to believe they could profit by what they say.


Why do you American seem to struggle with such simple stuff ?


With you on this.


I wear a mask (when I remember to) because I am part of my community and masks have been strongly reccomended by those who should know to protect against the transmission of a virus that has killed well over half a million Americans and possibly disabled many more in various ways. The long term effects may not be clear for some time. Protecting our communities is what members of a community do, and so the mask becomes my part of doing what I can do.


Yes. I wear a mask because I pay attention and follow guidelines of the actual infectious diseases health experts.

I wear a mask because, though I know of no 100% total guarantee of safety, the mask represents a quite easy one with significant protective effect.

Vaccination is the most important, which I also have, but now I am a mere two weeks shy of eight months post-vaccination and have just recently learned (from those actual experts) that a booster shot is needed, and my vaccine protection is very possibly waning.

I am concerned, as I work in a healthcare setting in an essential function and cannot totally isolate myself from potentially infectious persons, not if I hope to keep my job and not become homeless.

I worry because a colleague who was vaccinated the very same time I was just contracted breakthrough Covid two weeks ago, almost a month PRIOR to when we both become eligible for the booster shot.

Finally, my state government and my employer both mandate public/workplace masks be worn. I have no sane reason to defy those mandates.


How about


If you had a 99.79% chance of not shitting your pants; would you wear a diaper? Not for yourself, but for those around you…..


Let's see 37+million have had confirmed cases, US population is 337 million, I think you need a remedial math course.

@glennlab We’ll all be okay if the mask wearers stay in their homes and don’t come out and spread the virus.

Last time that I "shit my pants" 8 people didn't get ill & 1 die! You're comparing flotsam with wisdom but perhaps that is all that comes out of your mouth?

@FrayedBear that’s on them. Trust your vaccine.

You know what you kooks sound like? Religious people. It’s not enough that you believe in your religion/vaccine. Everyone else is a horrible person if they don’t believe in your religion/vaccine.

Leave it be. At this point, you won’t change anyone’s mind and we laugh at your completely media guided ignorance. Much like gun control; The most vaccinated and restrictive states have the highest death rates. The argument now is just accepted stupidity by the folks puking ignorant media talking points.

@CourtJester - The vaccinated are also contracting the virus especially the Delta variant and they are able to spread it even if they have few or no symptoms. Being vaccinated does help fight off the disease, but with the new variant, transmission is much easier. Masks reduce the likelihood of transmission. That is enough for me to decide to wear the mask. I intend to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

I have seen and read too many articles from the beginning of this pandemic of individuals denying the existence if this virus or denying the severity of its effects who later contract and die from the virus. It isn't a phenomenon unique to the US, but we seem to have taken it to an extreme. Even now, we have reports of anti-vaxxers dying in hospitals wishing they had been vaccinated, wishing all their friends and loved ones would get vaccinated - sort of their dying wish.

@RussRAB iIt’s their choice. If they don’t want the vaccine and die; they did it on their own terms.

I’m in a hospital every day dealing with Covid. Why is it up to you to save the world? Life’s about choices. You make yours, I make mine, and they make theirs. Grow up.

@CourtJester - The choice to not wear a mask puts others at risk. The anti-vaxxer who refuses to wear a mask may recover if he contracts COVID, but those they infect may not. We are not islands but a community. As members of a community, we should be willing to do certain things to keep others safe.

@RussRAB those without the vaccine have made their choice. Those with the vaccine should trust their vaccine. So stop crying kiddo.


I wear a mask and will continue to until this plague is better understood and better managed. It protects me from getting sick or unintentionally passing it on to others. Plus, I'm kind of daring an idiot to say something to me about it. 😉

@powder I guess I didn't make myself clear: I'm not at all interested in convincing someone of the benefits of wearing a mask, particularly someone who, like you, thinks I'm an idiot. The evidence is already out there, but you have chosen not to believe it.

My challenge is to any moron who chooses to accost me unmasked and intentionally exposes me knowing I don't want them to as they can see I am wearing an N95 mask. I will inform them that I blame them for interfering with my autonomy, and I have the right to steer clear of their plague-mongering, so I will give them a warning that I have mace and will utilize it if they continue, and certainly if they start yelling their nonsense at me.

@Lauren give 'em this:

@powder Thank you for your concern, and your explanation about me not being an idiot.

Yes, I am that vulnerable/worried, and I take all of the other precautions I can, including social distancing and refraining from enclosed spaces with other people. Good hygiene has become a habit, and I keep spare alcohol, cleaning wipes, and masks in my car as well as in my backpack.

As the area I live in is absolutely rampant with Covid, including over-run ICUs and non-critical surgeries being canceled, I find these to be the most effective ways for me to stay safe.

@FrayedBear I could have it printed up on little cards to hand out. 🙂

@Lauren please do. Saves you being verbally or physically assaulted. You will be long gone by the time that they work out what a "lockdown border" is. Most will think that it's a lodger who you practice BDSM on!

@Lauren On your automobile's necessities - welcome to the club though if like me before long you will need a trailer. I'm thinking of also carrying a full bio isolation suit with oxy tanks and backups.


I wear a mask because they are effective and I am hoping others, even if only a few, will follow suit.


I wear my mask because even though I've taken my horse dewormer, one can't be too cautious.


I wear a mask to keep others safe

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 23, 2021

Pure assholery!

I stole the first one, already had the second, but both apply.

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