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Do you know how many devices run Linux ?

Happy birthday, Linux: From a bedroom project to billions of devices in 30 years

Greg Kroah-Hartman talks to El Reg about world domination, what was, and what may be for the kernel

FearlessFly 9 Aug 25

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β€œ Greg Kroah-Hartman talks to El Reg about world domination, what was, and what may be for the kernel” got a link?


Where can I buy a home linux machine? I do the web and word processing.

Why do you need one when you can display from your android (linux) phone to your 6' TV screen and input into it using a bluetooth or WiFi keyboard?
There is a IMO very expensive 12" linux laptop about to be delivered at a cost of nearly $700. (Search Indigogo).

I recommend Free Geek (Portland, Mpls, maybe San Diego). Refurbished machines (loaded with Linux), and lots of other digital goodies. They also recycle anything electronic.


Otherwise, acquire whatever machine meets your needs/wants, download an install file, transfer it to DVD or thumb drive. You then can boot from it (to just try it out), or actually install it.
Without knowing much, it can be fully installed in about 30 minutes -- Say FU to Apple/Microsoft.
There are many (hundreds) distributions to pick from, this one is easy :


@FrayedBear Thanx. I’m also a current events junkee and usually have a tv on. I will search indigogo.

@FearlessFly Thanx, Dave. With a new battery, a Win 8-era machine I have may do well. I can pay a software expert.

@yvilletom I've just received the following offer from my phone manufacturer. So far I've had 4 of their phones which are getting better all the time:
It has their own version of Android Linux.

@yvilletom I always remember a company 35 years ago that installed a networked IBM desktop system & printers for $AU85,000. Another firm installed the same using Chinese clones for $25,000!


Just to make it interesting, I need a list of all the small niche products based on Raspberry Pi.

I mounted one of those on the back of a 32 inch TV and turned it sideways so it would show pictures in portrait mode, a DIY digital picture frame, the TV was one a friend gave me when he upgraded to a bigger TV, and the Pi was one we experimented with at work so all free. Verses a $150 digital picture frame that's the size of an iPad.


All my computers run Linux except one because some industrial software only runs on windows, but I have six computers that never turn off, all Linux. I even have a couple of PinePhones that I haven’t set up yet as the platform for a wireless human machine interface to our equipment. Free OS $65 PinePhone a little development time and we can sell them with our equipment for $300 each, and I’ll have a supply of burner phones JIC.

I have avoided all smartphones ($15 flip phone) for years.
I am considering one of PinePhone/Librem/Fairphone in the near future.
I thought PinePhone was just under $200 . . .

Thoughts ?

@FearlessFly You're partly right, there's two, one is about $200, the other around $150 list price but I had our purchasing agent order them and since he apparently worked out something so it only cost $65 for both of them and I'm betting they gave us the phones and the $65 was for expedited shipping since we had a trade show coming up but I couldn't wait and developed a preliminary app that runs on iPhone just for the show and have been too busy to open the boxes from Pine.
If they list for $200 then we'll sell them for $600 with no phone capabilities at all, they're HMI's for the ground crews at airports, we won't even offer an iPhone or Android option or they won't buy our hardware, although I'll have the app on my iPhone being the author has it's privileges.

@FearlessFly P.S. dispose of that flip phone, I can do almost everything I do on a computer on a smart phone, some things way better in fact. My iPhone 12 has 8,388,736 times more memory than my first PC with the memory maxed out. I actually have like 30 movies, six complete TV series stored on the phone for when I'm bored and I still spend all my time on YouTube and Agnostics when I'm not coding.

@Willow_Wisp I value privacy.
When I leave my domicile, I take the battery out.
I think of it like a portable phone booth with money already in it.
I like the hardware switches on the phones I mentioned. πŸ™‚


Bill Gates seems to get all the credit in the history of computing but I would suggest that Torvalds has had a far greater impact on computing.

Android - which runs of the vast majority of mobile devices - is based on Linux.
The vast majority of the largest websites - Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. - run Linux servers.
Nearly all IOT devices run Linux.
The top 500 Supercomputers ALL run Linux.

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