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Isn't that governor a special asshole. Note how his stupid comment doesn't address the pain of those that are left behind. People losing a loved one is of no concern to him at all, because "heaven".

redbai 8 Aug 29

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Translation: I am only governor for Christians, who don't mind being distracted from real problems by false promises that I will never have to account for. Non-Christians??? Screw them! They belong to Satan!


Yes, but you should be afraid of things because even with eternal life you have to die first. Does that make any sense?


Hell…he’ll be organising celebrations for all the deaths by that reckoning! The more deaths the merrier his constituents should be..”think of all the lucky sods who are fortunate enough die early and are going to meet their maker…Hallelujah!” To think he is Governor of a US State, with that kind of thinking, is terrifying!

He’s governor cuz so many ‘sippians think that way.

@yvilletom I shudder!

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