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i really am surprised how satisfying it can be to block persistent stupidity.

hankster 9 Sep 1

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I will not do that, because I love to push them, just to see how silly I can get them to be.

( Its a poor sport I know, but I live alone and get bored sometimes. )

But having said that, it does do good to make nonsense plain to more moderate people by pushing it to expose its absurd foundations. So not without serious intent, though often I suspect that most people will not bother to read the often long debates I get into over silly things.

I've just grown bored with the idiots i reckon. it's not fun anymore.


I am approaching near five dozen total blocked, but I suspect many of them have left the site, so it may actually be much smaller than that on active members. But I have enjoyed every block I make. I call it customizing my site experience.

@Gwendolyn2018 I think that in my case they usually know, as I also usually tell them in advance that I'm going to do it. That way it is also clear to the other members observing the spat what happened.

@Gwendolyn2018 I don't need to know they saw the post about blocking them, it's more for the benefit of the observers.

@Gwendolyn2018 It is a bit like what I do on dating sites, when someone has rejected me or when I confront someone I have been messaging with about their game-playing or whatever dishonest stuff they have been pulling on me, I tell them off in a final message on the dating site, then block them after I see they have read it, altho they often beat me to the punch and block me right after they read the tell off message, beating me to the punch. No matter, I still know that way that they got the message and read it, judging by their reaction. I do enjoy getting the last word in, or the last poke in the eye, so to speak, whether it's on here or on Batch. I know that few people are willing to do tell off messages on paid dating sites, due to the risk of getting reported and banned on there, but sometimes I just can't help myself and don't feel like just being polite and taking it from them after they are dishonest or mean in how they have treated me there. Usually it involves someone who has been breadcrumbing me, by stringing me along with intermittent messaging, and pretending to show just enough interest in getting to know me or meet in person, but ultimately either never meeting me in person. My guess is that in these cases the woman is either just out for the ego strokes from men and has no real intention of meeting anyone in person or dating anyone, or, it could even be, as Sticks 48 has shared with me about his own online dating experiences, that the "woman" is actually a plant by the dating site to fool men into thinking there is more potential in the dating pool than there actually is.

Before I actually tried online dating, I heard stories about that from single men and women who had, and was inclined to dismiss that as paranoid thinking, but nowadays, it doesn't seem far-fetched at all.

@Gwendolyn2018 I only get angry when they have strung me along or lied to me in past messages. It's not to much too ask for people to be honest and straight with you, even if they do reject you in the end. I'm sure most people on dating sites want to be treated that way as well, instead of with games and lying. I respond politely to those that reject me also, as long as they treat me fairly, honestly, and with courtesy. Simple golden rule stuff, which unfortunately is rare on dating sites, as people think they deserve it, but owe strangers nothing. Very hypocritical.

@Gwendolyn2018 Maybe I am comparatively lucky compared to those women, but it still is not right, and I will not just take it lying down. Wrong is wrong, and I still have a right to be pissed when I am mistreated. Your opinion is noted and is your right, as mine is also.

And just because other men have been assholes to women, it does not justify them mistreating other men, like me, who are different than that or innocent of that stuff. Mistreatment by others does not justify projecting that on others or taking it out on innocent parties who have not mistreated you. I don't buy that argument of revenge against a whole gender for what others have done. If someone cannot give each new person they encounter a clean slate to start with, they are not emotionally healthy enough to likely be capable of a good relationship and thus, are maybe not ready to date and shouldn't be on a dating site in the first place taking their own shit out on innocent parties.

BTW, I have not done any of the things you catalogued other men doing, so I don't deserve mistreatment by women I have not wronged in the first place before they treated me poorly. And I do not consider any simple message of rejection mistreatment.

@Gwendolyn2018 I don't blame you or other women for being wary. I am wary of certain types of women I continue to see on Batch. But I don't pre-emptively mistreat them or act badly to them after I begin trading messages with them. As far as men who cannot respect clear messages or boundaries that you put out there in your profile or messaging, I don't know what to say, some people are just plain arrogant or rude and they really don't care what others want or respect others. I am not like that, and I only treat others badly in retaliation against them personally after they have wronged me, not for what someone else has done to me.

@Gwendolyn2018 Finally! I would like to take credit for it, but I can't and it would be wrong to do so, but another guy on Agnostic said it well, if I can accurately quote him. He said that everyone on dating sites should approach each new person they encounter by giving them a clean slate to start. Of course, I would add what you and I also seem to agree on, which is that it is wise, prudent, and fair to at the same time keep in mind what patterns or types of behavior you have encountered in the past, in order to not get tricked or conned by people who present a fake front or lie about themselves, etc. As Reagan said, " Trust, but verify"....

Some men, and women, are jerks and they will never change. Some men never appear to actually read the profile info on the women they message, and I hear about this all the time from women on Batch. And it also apparent that they, as well as some other men, just use a scattershot approach and message tons of women indiscriminately, just looking for sex I suppose, and don't care how incompatible on paper they are with most of the women they message.

But what's funny is how often I get polite replies of rejection from women who I messaged because, at least on paper, they appeared to be compatible for me and also seemed to be compatible for them, at least based on their profile info, but most likely they rejected me either because their profile info was inaccurate or I just didn't cut it on looks for them, the latter of which is always the impolite wild card. And I never send a nasty reply to those rejections, altho sometimes I do point out inconsistencies between what is in their profile and any reasons they may give me for rejecting me that don't square with their profile info and preferences. I, in those cases, politely suggest that they revise their profile info or preferences to match their actual preferences. Sometimes they take it well and other times they resent it and get snippy. But, for example, if your trait preferences say you have no preference regarding religion in who you are looking for, and you send me a rejection message, no matter how polite, saying I am not a match for you because I am an Agnostic, I am going to tell you that maybe you should change your preferences on that trait and exclude Agnostics and Atheists. I am not calling them a liar on their reason for rejecting me, but I am asking them to be consistent. And I don't think I am out of line to do that.

@Gwendolyn2018 I am also pretty damn proud that I have never ghosted or stood anyone up in my whole damned life. How many other men can honestly say that? So I will not gladly or meekly get punished for what other men have done to someone. I have earned my right to be treated fairly and respectfully on dating sites, until I personally have done something to provoke someone and therefore deserve any mistreatment.

@Gwendolyn2018 I will have to disagree with you on some of this. Women constantly tell me on dating sites that they want to be treated with respect from men on there, so are you saying they are entitled to a one-way street on that? I don't think so, I have as much a right to respect as they do, and it should not have to be earned over some long period of time by proving it to them individually. Sorry, Gwen, that is unfair and I will not agree to that double standard. Maybe it fits for your individual experience, but it is not a fair norm to impose. I also have the right to suggest how a woman can make their profile consistent with what they are telling me when they reject me, after that they can take it or leave it, but I do have the right to make the suggestion. And the dating site must agree, as they have never scolded me for doing it.

I think I owe women on dating sites respect, until they individually prove that they don't deserve it. If everyone on dating sites followed your standards and practices, the sites would be even worse than they already are in behavior. To me, it's not very impressive that you had only several men decline to reply to your messages to them. Try my experience instead, where I get no reply to probably 85% of my first messages to them. There's no comparison, but since you are female, you aren't put in the position like I am of having to do almost all the pursuing, or else have to accept not connecting with anyone on a dating site.

As far as looks, it goes without saying, but that still doesn't stop many women on my dating site from saying it in their profile essay how " there has to be chemistry, some kind of physical attraction, etc.". Well, fucking duh, how dumb do they think we are? Both genders feel that way and those that deny it are lying. But there is an unspoken agreement by about everybody that we're not supposed to be blunt and tell someone we reject on a dating site that it is due to their looks. So some people, not me tho, dress up or hide their rejection of someone on looks by pinning it on some other lame excuse or reason. If a woman asks me why I am not interested in her, I simply say I don't think we're a match or not compatible enough. If they insist on me being more specific, I tell them it's about looks, because I treat adults as adults, and if they ask for the truth, then I trust them to be sincere in the request and able to handle the truth. If they turn out to be lying about that, unable to handle it, or get upset about it, that's on them, not me.

As for religious preference, you are probably right in that most of the women who answer the religious preference part of their profile with "No preference" instead of something more accurate like " Christian, Catholic", etc are probably unthinking about how their profile info on religion reads to others. To me that seems sort of careless or maybe ignorant on their part that they don't make it clear that they won't date someone who is non-religious. But you and they need to realize that my point in suggesting they clear up their profile's info is for their benefit and mine, to help avoid me mistakenly messaging them because their profile appears to be more compatible than it is, and for them to not be bothered by messaging from men like me that are not compatible for them in their eyes. That is a win-win and I should not be deterred from doing that, as it's intent is a mutual benefit.

@Gwendolyn2018 Fair enough. It's interesting that nobody else weighed in. I guess they were enjoying their popcorn and watching too much to intervene....


Too bad administration on this site dont block the false information and plain bullshit the anti vaxxers keep posting........ These messages are killing people... To say or do nothing is supporting their nonsense

admin is/was one, i think. never was a very forthcoming sort.

@hankster a former co worker was one also.... Hes 6 feet under as we speak

@Redneckliberal ive got old friends on the ventilation thing right now. too stubborn to listen when thier loved ones pleaded with them to get the shots. not pretty.


when you see it, block it. feels good to know im not gonna see it anymore.

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