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Science is important. Imagine if most people would actually listen and respect the experts. Just magine! Exotic concept, I know!

What Are The Odds You've Been Exposed To COVID And Just Didn't Get Sick?

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I believe it’s been a rather recent trend that science has become a political issue - which it shouldn’t have become. As far as I can tell, the Christian Right is responsible for that.


The thought has just occurred to "what if C19 is an alien disease that they, the aliens, have sent ahead of their impending arrival & colonisation of earth?"
A bit like USA bullying other countries because they have nukes & a huge military?

I can't recall the exact quote, but roughly paraphrased: In the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary, more straight-forward physically plausible explanations have a distinctly higher probability of being true than do fantastically complex ones. We just don't have any compelling evidence yet for sentient interstellar travellers, let alone invaders.

@MikeInBatonRouge in other words it's more likely that humans want to harm humans than aliens do?

@FrayedBear something like that. One of the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory is its convoluted complexities. Maybe the appeal is that people like to feel they are part of a complex secret knowledge that sets them apart from (and above) the "ignorant" masses of mainstream society.

Didn't mean to suggest that YOU are a conspiracy theorist, or anything. 😉 Complexities DO exist in the cosmos, to be sure. But when trying to understand reality, one starts by testing the most straightforward theories first.

@MikeInBatonRouge I asked a question & didn't promulgate a conspiracy.


The odds appear to be excellent... Correction to the article: If you're exposed to a low level of Covid, hopefully that will act like a booster shot to your immune system, and that you may feel some effects.

Yeah, temporarily, but broadly shedding and spreading virus in the meantime. They have already tested and reported that COVID-19-positive but asymptomatic people spread the virus just as much as sick people.

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