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What do diabetic people do with thier insulin when unhoused?

I recently took in a friend who was losing her home in a breakup and had nowhere to go. She was literally days away from being on the street and trying to get on waiting lists for shelters.
The thing is she's Type 1 diabetic and will die very quickly without careful regulation of her sugar and daily injections of insulin, which needs to be refrigerated.. And I never thought of that specific aspect. There are alot of diabetic people out there. And alot of people without homes and refrigerators...

MsAl 8 Sep 5

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In NO way is that a funny question. Many of them do have have the money to buy needed insulin. Of those who do often do not have the means to refrigerate it. In both cases, the health effects are devastating SAnd you find that funny?????


I was picturing her out there literally on the street with those other physically or psychologically compromised people (of which she is kind of both) and She would not have done well.. WTF

I've thought about us being unhoused alot we've had so many close calls. Im a neurodivergent single parent and its scary thinking about what would happen if we lost this crappy broken house that keeps us safe. This is my first year truly without backup since my 2nd parent dies last March. Its been a good year financially since I quit healtcare and moved up in the world to my Amazon warehouse job.. But I know that I'm never more than miss step away from losing that or not beingable to get there if my car breaks down .

Its just so visceral lately my ex husband (kids dad) lost his home he was staying at and went back to Guatemala because he can't find a place and can't go to the doctor here.
And my daughters boyfriend is staying in a camper in someone's yard because his custodial grandparents had him sleeping on a pile of cloths charging him $800 a month so he walked out. Now none of the adults will help him fis his birth certificate so he can get a proper job and drivers license or even a bank account. He can't do it without since he's still 17..

Its like I've been drowning for so long and now I see so many others who are juuust alittle worse off and its scary. There are alot of people out there in bad situations. 😕

MsAl Level 8 Sep 5, 2021

cooler w/ice? welcome back.

Probably yes, but I've never had good luck keeping things consistently cold for even a few days with a cooler. And I have money for ice.

@MsAl it would be a bit of a pain, but a bigger cooler full of ice and a smaller one to keep the insulin and a little ice. a real good insulated mug? idk, just a thought.



Yes, the US is generally #1 in neglect of the most vulnerable of our citizens. If you aren't wealthy, white, or male the government doesn't care about you unless it is to regulate you and make it harder to live.


Many do without and die or get sick. We are near the bottom as far as the USs ranking in health care.

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