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"He doesn't know anything about anything and I'd say that to his face. Nothing."

Sean-Z 5 Sep 6

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I hope he gets his Darwin award soon...


A loud mouthed ignoramous


He thinks his ignorance puts him on par with Fauci, Fouci!, a man that studied viruses and pandemics for decades. The man that coordinated containment and control of the Ebola outbreak, that oversaw significant research and development of Aids treatments. If not an Albert Einstein in his field then he's at least a Steven Hawking of virology. This guy is eat shit and bark at the moon crazy and so is anyone else if they thinks he has a point.

Mullis was a PhD biochemist and Nobel Prize winner for inventing polymerase chain reaction (PCR). He wasn't an idiot. If he didn't die in August 2019, just a few months before this whole COVID thing started, he'd be pounding the table about how PCR is not meant to diagnose an illness, which is exactly what they've been doing to say whether or not you're "positive" for COVID-19. How convenient.

Fauci is a lifelong worthless government bureaucrat and virology is pseudoscience.

This is what virologists do to "isolate" a virus. They take a sample from a small handful of sick people, mix it with a culture of foreign cells which are usually monkey kidney (vero) cells, starve these cells in "minimal essential medium", poison the cells with high dosages of antibiotics like gentamicin and amphotericin (nephrotoxic drugs i.e. they damage kidney tissue), then the cells predictably break down into tons of tiny particles and they point to an arbitrary particle in this toxic soup, claiming that's the "virus". So "scientific".

The procedure to truly isolate is not difficult. Maceration, filtration, density centrifugation, etc.
It's entirely doable. They can do it with bacteriophages, "giant viruses" in sea algae, and more importantly with exosomes in humans, particles our own cells generate as a RESPONSE to illness. But they don't follow the same procedure when "isolating viruses" from humans because they know it won't produce the results they're looking for.

Stefan Lanka, a virologist that came to realize this entire field is bullshit, recently did this same experiment but simply started with the monkey kidney cell culture. Did not add any sample from a sick person. And he got the same "cytopathic effects" by starving and poisoning the culture without adding any so-called source of a "virus". The procedure itself creates the so-called "viruses" they claim are making us sick. Total nonsense.

Virologists also even admit in their mainstream literature that they can't distinguish between supposedly exogenous disease causing particles like viruses and internally generated particles like exosomes.

@Sean-Z He was a fucking idiot. So are you. He disposed of his science once he bought into fringe right-wing Christian anti-science drivel. It happens, Theodore John Kaczynski was a man of math and science too. Even the well educated go off the deep end, it's to be expected in this environment of toxic Christian Nationalism.
So you found the Randy Quaid Scientist and since he's dead he can't take any of his bull shit back.
You do know that Isaac Newton was also an alchemist?
Scientist are as human as anyone else and some lose their marbles obviously.
Mullis attracted controversy for denying humans' role in climate change and for expressing doubts that HIV causes AIDS. He's a dumb ass, Noble prize be damned and it was a shared prize for PCR so it's hard to determine the true extent of his real contribution to the work even if it was his inspiration.

@Willow_Wisp Nothing you said addressed my points about virology being pseudoscience. HIV, Ebola, SARS, swine flu, etc. These people never actually isolate any of these so-called "viruses" and then show this isolated "virus" causes the disease they claim it does, meeting Koch's Postulates or even the watered down Rivers' Criteria (they claim to isolate it but read the procedure I wrote above - that's what they do and that is NOT isolation). That doesn't mean the illnesses don't exist, they obviously do, but what's the proof that a "virus" is the cause? They don't have it. Just ask the CDC for a pure sample of SARS-CoV2. They'll reply to you that they can't because they don't have it.

@Sean-Z Look at how fast the vaccine was developed. It was already made before "Warp Speed" was announced, if "warp speed" contributed anything it ramped up the means of production, not research to develop the vaccine. Between Trump's laughable "warp speed" and the release of the vaccine was all testing time. They mapped the genome of the virus immediately and developed the vaccine within weeks of the virus being discovered.
Thanks to virology.
Were it not for virology there would be no vaccine.
Read about it...

Here's a quote:
"Dr. Yager said that thanks to advances in genomic sequencing, researchers successfully uncovered the viral sequence of SARS-CoV-2 in January 2020 — roughly 10 days after the first reported pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. The ability to fast-track research and clinical trials was a direct result of this worldwide cooperation."

@Willow_Wisp They used a computer model ("Next Generation Sequencing" ) to piece together the so-called "genome" - it's like going into a basement of a library that supposedly has 50 books in it but they're all shredded and mixed up, and you don't have original copies of any of these books. And then you try to piece together a book from this. You have no way of knowing what you pieced together matches an actual book that exists. The same thing applies to the genomic sequencing. A computer just throws it all together. It's complete nonsense.

They don't actually have a real genome of SARS-CoV2 because, I'll say again, they never properly isolated SARS-CoV2 from any sick person. They just do these toxic cell culture experiments as I described and draw BS conclusions from it. And they even admit that the genome is an "in silico" genome, that is it only exists in a computer. It's not something they extracted from an isolated SARS-CoV2 virus using a procedure like Sanger sequencing.

As far as the vaccine goes, piss poor science aside, if you want to take injections from companies with extensive criminal records like Pfizer or J&J, go ahead.

@Sean-Z As I clearly said before, you're an idiot. Seriously, the statistical evidence of the vaccine working is indisputable and proof enough that virology is a valid science and does exactly what it says it does.

@Willow_Wisp Oh the vaccines work alright...


And who knows what the actual number of injuries/deaths are since most of them are never reported.

And one more time, this is what they do to "isolate" viruses: minimally process a sample from someone with "COVID" so you have this unpurified liquid with all sorts of human and microbial material in it, you stick it onto a cell culture of monkey kidney (vero) tissue, along with several other sources of genetic material like bovine calf serum, you starve the cells of nutrition in "minimal essential medium", poison the cells with huge doses of toxic antibiotics like gentamicin and amphotericin, the cells break down into tons of tiny particles, and then you point to an arbitrary particle in that toxic soup and claim that's the virus which caused the cell breakdown. The cell culture has kidney cells in it and gentamicin and amphotericin are known nephrotoxic drugs. How do you know those particles aren't simply breakdown products which result from starving and poisoning the kidney cells? Especially since, as I stated earlier, Stefan Lanka was able to produce these same "cytopathic effects" simply by starving and poisoning the cell cultures without adding any sample from a sick person. Explain that to me. And see if you can manage to do it without resorting to ad hominems and name calling.

@Sean-Z You drank the cool aid, I can do nothing to help you other than honestly stating facts, which I know you'll never accept. You make me sad that you let pseudoscience and cult facts enslave your rationality. Honestly you're to far gone and I'm not a trained psychologist, but you should seek one like a man on fire seeks water. You're going to fuck around and die, just to cut your nose off to spite your face. If you die from Covid as you go you'll remember the warnings that you ignored.

@Willow_Wisp Aaaaaannnnnd you failed. You couldn't actually address any of my points. SARS-CoV2 has never been properly isolated and demonstrated to cause the illness called COVID-19. Never has and never will. So you just condescendingly responded pretending to have facts you don't have. You're the one drinking Kool Aid. You've got your wide open mouth underneath the COVID cult fake science big pharma propaganda fountain soda machine slurping it all up.

This is the problem with most atheists/agnostics. They correctly see organized religion to be BS, but they blindly accept whatever so-called "scientists" (who don't seem to know actual science and care more about funding than truth) and politicians (who are demonstrably corrupt for similar reasons) tell them. Skepticism needs to be applied to EVERYTHING. Not just to priests, bishops, rabbis, etc. Tony Fauci is just as full of shit as Pope Francis is.

@Sean-Z sean-z, since your "points" are complete gibberish, how is anyone supposed to reply?

@AnneWimsey Explain how not isolating a virus and then claiming that non-isolated virus is responsible for causing illness is NOT gibberish

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