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My daughter has sent me the same birthday card for seven years.

I am lucky to get birthday cards from Claire. She always writes a heartfelt, loving letter inside. "This card says it all," she began in the first four years.

When I opened the envelope two days ago, I burst into laughter. Called to thank Claire for the birthday card and gift.

"It's hilarious that you have sent me the same birthday card for six or seven years!" I said, laughing. "Did you buy stock in this birthday card?" I joked. "It's very sweet."

"No, I didn't realize I've been sending the same card," she said. "I search through birthday cards and this is the best one."

"I'm sentimental," I replied. "Since you were little, I have saved your letters and cards, and write your age and the date on the back. I love your beautiful letters."

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 6

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Happy Birthday!


Thank you, dear!

You are the only person to wish me happy birthday. Good catch!


What does that say for the Hallmark selection of birthday cards for moms?


Good point.


I last saw my children 29 years ago, their mother had lied to the police and I was in handcuffs, she paraded the children in front of me and told them that I was a 'bad man'.
What I wouldn't give for a birthday card of any kind from one of my children. They no longer bear my surname and I finally stopped sending money with no response after 27 years of payment.
Enjoy the love that you have, my life is full of goodness but there is a hole in my heart, I call them the three R's - Rachelle, Ryan and Robert. May they all be happy and well, my life isn't important by comparison.


free pass.


Consider yourself lucky to get a card of any kind.


My son Bobby does the same


The thought is what really matters and counts. This coincidence makes a great story. 😉

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