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Bigger than Watergate, 9\11 & Afghanistan war combined?

Fauci never lies? CNN, NYT, WaPo & other MSM outlets IGNORE report showing US funded coronavirus research in Wuhan before pandemic []

And that much hated President Trump shut down the funding started by Obama?

Is that what pissed off the Chinese resulting in the biochemical weapon particularly being deployed against the USA?

FrayedBear 9 Sep 9

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There has been coronovirus research IN THE US for more than a decade :



Thanks Dave.


@BigWaveDave, @WordyWalt, @BarJoe if you read the article you would learn that it originates from court action that resulted in " More than 900 documents were obtained by The Intercept, following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) that revealed the NIH gave millions of dollars in grants to the US NGO EcoHealth Alliance. " Court action brought & now reported by an AMERICAN media organisation that I do not subscribe to but unlike you guys RT does.
Quit your ineffective frothing & throw away your cognitive dissonance. You are being duped like 9\11 & Afghanistan.


That is a damnable lie!!!!! Why are trying to spread vicious deliberate misinformation???? Whose ends are you trying to serve?????

That's what these people do.

@jlynn37 See above. it is an American report.

The story is all over the internet and the papers, just because it is reported on RT does not make it a lie even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


No! Not even close! But if RT says it, MUST be true. The official news agency of Qanon.

My understanding this is from US documents obtained under foi.

See above.


You are posting the official Russian propaganda news station? Really? Lmao. That is funny as hell.

Yep you did your research

See above.

@FrayedBear it is not a reliable source and your implications are nonsense. Nobody frothed but you spread nonsense.

@Bigwavedave prove it.

Okay, here is the same report from the Times of London
Are they a Russian propaganda news outlet @Bigwangdave oops sorry @Bigwavedave?

How US cash funded Wuhan lab dealing in deadly viruses
Controversial research to make diseases more potent was backed by Dr Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the White House, reveals a new book on the cover-ups and conspiracies of the pandemic


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