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LINK 30 Years Later, Victim of Predator Priest Receives $1 Million Legal Settlement | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

In this case, it was proven that the Catholic boardign school knew the priest was a predatory and kept him on anyway.

snytiger6 9 Sep 10

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bobwjr Level 10 Sep 10, 2021

As usual the Tight-fisted Catholic Church offers up a miserable PITTANCE for the life-long Trauma and Sufferings ONE of their VICTIMS must endure 24/7.


Seems like a very paltry settlement.

Paltry, frigging MISERABLE PITTANCE to say the very least.


The whole catholic system hid abuse and so much more. I worked, for a brief time, in my first years as a teacher at a catholic high school. I honestly had no problems with the priest principal. My last year they brought in a total dick "lay" principal who caused lots of problems. He was going to write me up once, until I told him about my conversation with a district magistrate and a local superintendent. Shut his pie hole. Anyway, the secretary sued him for sexual harassment; she said she would drop the suit if he was gone - just like the catholics, they promoted him.


The priest need jail time too.

Jail time and NO release or Parole until he is at least 150 years

Says he raped six boys and only got 12 years!


These fuckin’ priests should have to get their dick and balls amputated. Then they could never do it again. But I’m glad justice was served here. I hope to see much more of it.

Amputated using an almost BLUNT pair of Pruning shears, NO analgesics or anaesthetics, NO anti-biotics, just leeches to drain away the blood.

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