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For your amusement, here are my three worst internet dates.

TRY SOAP. Through eHarmony (a waste of money), I met a Ph.D. psychiatrist from Portland. When he lurched off the train in Seattle, he needed assistance because he was disabled and walked with a cane. So much for hiking, I thought.

An immigrant from Iran, his body odor was disgusting. As a gracious hostess, I refrained from holding my nose. I took him to a restaurant that required walking downstairs. Oops. He barely made it. I said goodbye after lunch.

SEX ADDICT. After emails and phone conversations, I met a man at an alpine café 90 miles away in the mountains. It was April and cold.

Oddly, he insisted on eating outdoors. Sane diners were inside the cafe. Since I was warmly dressed in winter boots, ski jacket, hat and gloves, I said okay.

As soon as our lunch was served and the waitress walked away, he leaned over the table and asked me to join him in group sex. I was aghast. "NO WAY!" I replied, and asked suspiciously, "Whatever gave you the idea that I'd be interested in that?"

"You said you were very liberal," he replied. "That refers to my political beliefs, not my sexual inclination!" I shot back.

I stood up and left, forgetting to take a doggie bag. Drove home hungry and fuming. Then I changed my political beliefs to "liberal."

DINOSAUR. One man drove from Seattle to meet me in Wenatchee. Within 10 minutes of meeting, he told me to "dumb down" my conversation. "Men are intimidated by your intelligence and class," he said. I was appalled.

"Speak for yourself," I replied crisply. "Obviously YOU are intimidated by my intelligence. I refuse to act stupid to mollify the insecure ego of a sexist man." SLAM DUNK.

Over dinner, he complained bitterly about having a female supervisor. Said he flew to Russia to find a subservient bride. "None of the girls would go home with me," he said sadly.

It was amusing to draw him out. When he complained about having a woman supervisor, I couldn't resist. Gave him a mini-lecture on Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act.

As planned, after dinner we attended a jazz concert. I was deliberately loud with my applause to irritate him as an uppity woman. By the end of the evening, he wasn't speaking to me.

The next day he emailed me: "I refuse to listen to your feminist religion."

"Feminism is not a religion," I replied. "Although you are two years older than me, you sound 200 years older. You are a dinosaur. Leave me alone."

This is what I wore on my date with the dinosaur. So much for wearing my mother's pearls! The photo was taken five years ago.

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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If only I could take you on a civilised date after I had had a shower and worked on ensuring my waistline was trim and my fitness could handle long hikes.
There we could discuss life, the universe and everything, putting across ideas to improve humankind through intelligent interaction, only bringing up group lovemaking if it was appropriate to said conversation and not as a 'to do list' following our departure.
Sadly the likelihood of such a pleasant meeting is remote, and so I wish you success in finding an engaging gentleman to share an encounter with.


I met some nice people but none really suited. One was a bit too alternative and I'm not into vegan hippies; another was quite frail and we wouldn't have been a good match as I'm very active. One was really weird, still involved with her ex and got very offended when I offered to take her to a caberet produced by a feminist group. Currently I occassionally date a lady who is a good dinner companion, and it hasn't gone beyond that, but which isn't going anywhere because she lives much too far away. I'm fed up with it all and I've cancelled all my memberships. I'm not interested in jumping into the sack with someone until I'm sure that there is some chance it might work out as I've had enough of the casual sex bullshit when I was younger. It's too hard to back off and people get too hurt when you find it's not working


I gave up on internet dating. Meeting someone at the grocery store or hardware store would probably work out better for me.

Unity Level 8 Sep 14, 2021

Here's hoping I haven't made it onto anyone's "worst of" lists. (I have officially been described twice as a "best lover", and that's not counting M'Lady, who I've been with now for just over 18 months, so... maybe ladies look back on me as a best, not a worst?)


Not a competition by any means, but here's a brief assortment of my top losers.

A few minutes in to a first coffee meeting, asks if it's time enough spent to go have sex. You don't even know me, why would I want that?

Another a few minutes in, asks if I would grow out my hair for him as it's a fetish of his. again, I don't even know you enough to know if I'd like you enough to care and now he'd made certain that I never would know him enough.

Sends dick pic, I block the number. He proceeds to cycle through phones trying to persuade me to give him a "second" chance. Gets to the point that he tells me some of my past addresses and other easily looked up personal information. Cops say that unless he threatens me in person with injury or damages my property that I can't do anything. I'd blocked all the numbers as they came in but didn't delete the messages in case anything happens to me, my daughter lawyer can try to sue....

First date went meh....but I took his call about a second possible date. When I wouldn't give him my address to pick me up and would only even consider it if we met in a neutral place, he went off on me calling me a whore, etc. That was why my gut told me to not give him my address...I wasn't comfortable with him knowing and he obviously wasn't as resourceful as the previous fellow. Fortunately blocking one phone number was enough to stop this one.

First date went ok but again, something was off. He called to meet again and I thanked him for his time but that I didn't feel that we were a good match. He had warned me to not trust Pakistanis (he was one) and he then proceeded to show me that he had given good advice. Back to being called a whore, etc. Constantly made new ID's on the dating site with ranting and raving. I sent them all to the site moderators and eventually got them to cancel my membership and give me my money back. They wouldn't stop him but I could leave? O.O I've never joined another site since except here that I use for community.

Stick a fork in me, I'm done! NEXT!!!


"Stick a fork in me, I'm done!" Love your sense of humor.


Hey. We've never dated. I never even had a chance to make the list.
I'm disappointed -- I claim discrimination!😋

Although come to think of it. My wife would probably object. She only lets me go out with her friends.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 14, 2021

Situations like this is the reason I gave up online dating. It just isn't worth getting dressed up and wasting time with some of the men I was meeting.

Too bad we never met, I have always tried as a minimum goal not to be a waste of time. 🙂


Sadly, the dinosaurs especially among older men are all too common. And angry because unearned man-privilege is disappearing. I am surprised he made it through your phone screen.


I must confess, I like your anecdotes. Were I a few thousand miles closer I would apply for the post of "Occasional Dining Companion."


Glad you like my sense of humor! Thank you. Wish we lived closer.

@LiterateHiker Living within striking distance would be enjoyable, provided you promised not to punch me. I love intelligent company with a sense of humour.

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