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It's a 2 faced answer for sure.


What sort of idiot imagines that climate change can be reversed by a 2,000 year old Jewish zombie?


Ask Noah lol

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 16, 2021

"Ark! Ark!" went the og.


Just like jeebus was the answer for the Holocaust ? thanks

Leetx Level 7 Sep 16, 2021

And who gave that dill a day pass from the Looney Bin may I ask.


And send your money to me cuz Jesus said I need a big jet plane! Say amen. 😉


It would be nice if Jesus really existed and he could solve all our problems.....unfortunately he is a fictional character in a fable fairy tale.


I used to be a Christian. Jesus answered maybe 25% of my prayers if that much. Funny thing I noticed though is I had to most of the work myself in order my prayers to be answered

Probably more like 0%.

You made your deeds happen by willpower and work.

at what ? @ChadManis

@CuddyCruiser Yes that’s what I was trying to say. I should’ve put (insert sarcasm) in my post

You only thought that Jesus answered your prayers. Praying to a milk jug would have produced the same result.

@ChadManis The God of the Bible cannot exist.

@Leetx ... at being a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues. /@ChadManis

@DenoPenno Funny that. I used to pray to the milk jug. I now pray to the beer jug, and then drink the contents thereof.

@DenoPenno Pray to Joe Pesci


The line is growing longer.


Well, the state I just moved from, Pennsylvania, has a state rep who said that humans were causing climate change as well - our 7 billion bodies are putting off too much heat. Stupid is as stupid does.
A friend and I were just discussing another group that may be dangerous as well. We all agree the apocalypse wanters and it's god's willers are the most dangerous, but there is a group too reliant on science and believe a "miracle" science cure will be found. There are seldom, simple solutions to complex problems. "Too reliant" isn't the best term. Not sure what is. I believe in science and think science can save us - just, we are in for some pain along the way.

Too much faith in 'technology' (science) will not solve our problems it will exacerbate them. It will help us squeeze the last bit of resources from the planet. Why must we always seek the easy way of taking a pill instead of confronting, face-on the problems that we face. Why must we scream at doctors for telling us we need to lose weight and stop smoking instead of doing it as if it is the only recourse. In this case it is!


He’s so full of shit.

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