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I love laughing gas. Wish it was readily available.

Jolanta 9 Sep 22

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Not so good if you're a pregnant woman and you actually want to keep the baby.


Nitrous Oxide is legal for many purposes.


Like everything else, safe practices,use, and moderation. (Less dangerous than alcohol)


The only time I have taken laughing gas was my visit to a dental hospital where the students that day were practicing extractions . i did laugh all the time when I was in the toilet afterwards. However subsequently I feel that I did not need to lose that tooth. It bled a lot afterwards and lost me a good area for crunching and digesting food. It was the thought of pain removal that induced me.
My point is that like any drug this one can also have unexpected and detrimental consequences.

So, you think that if you did not have the gas you would still have the tooth?

@Jolanta Yes the pain free option was too inviting . I cannot remember questioning the supervisor about why it was extracted. This is a reminder that drugs stop you being your own reasonable self with alert opportunities to ask pertinent question.

@Mcflewster Ok, I don't know how it is when you go to the dentist is UK but here in Australia they discuss what to be done before the gas is given.


I don't think I've ever tried it, though I hear of people getting it in the dentist chair. Makes sense that it could help - at least temporarily. Interesting!

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