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What, in your opinion, is the greatest invention in human history?

Anything from the hand-axe to the quantum computer.

Jnei 8 Apr 20

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I have true answers. But because this is the site it is and no ones said it I’m going too lol
Religion. Allowed a few to control the masses with little effort.

I'd challenge that answer. If religion is used to control the masses, it doesn't do it very well as the controlling mechanism puts such a strain on the overall intelligence of the population that it eliminates any perceived gains by creating losses in other dynamics of society where higher intelligence is necessary.

@redbai that’s because it’s the 21st century. But from the Egyptians to Roman times to the 1800s it’s how they instilled fear and control over the majority

@redbai, @Renickulous and you know what they say. Respect your enemy haha

@Ryan86 I don't agree that it has anything to do with what time period we are living in. Galileo's experience with the Catholic Church is one of the more glaring demonstrations of how they try to suppress knowledge for simply going against their religious doctrines. Then it was whether the earth was the center of the universe and today it's whether or not dinosaurs existed or the age of the earth.

There is nothing positive about religion unless you are predisposed to believe that the concept of worshiping and blindly following anything because you don't understand something is a positive. I am not so predisposed.

I'd also like to say that neither the Egyptians or Romans could have controlled their empires if they only used religion. Both of those empires also had a very strong military force to "instill fear and control over the majority" and used it more readily than they did the wrath of gods or their priests.


Maxwell's Equations on Electro-Magnetism!

That & toilet paper/indoor plumbing!

Were those invented or discovered?

@indirect76 Maybe a fine line, there. He worked them out until they fit, tough call!


The Fleshlight, obviously.

Really? I've gotten mixed reviews.

@Bignate901 Depends on the sleeve, I think.

? ha!


Toilet paper was an excellent replacement for cactus.
P.S. I really did want to give an intellectual response but I'm tired and it's late, so the smart ass just came right out, Please forgive this episode.

Most people used stones or the Sears catalog lol.

@SLBushway Some people experimented with tabloid newspapers but discovered they wiped more on than off.

Toilet paper is dirty. Bidets are better. And those automatic bum sprayers in Korea are the bomb.



Synchronicity! I was just researching information about refracting light and kaleidoscopes! I am curious about sun stones and how they were used. I have been working up some theories.
Lol The question! there are so many miraculous inventions it’s hard to choose. I think the best was Tesla’s free energy. Sadly the powers that be were greedy and wanted to make money off of energy and screwed up the world.
How life started would be cool to know for sure but maybe we wouldn’t want to know.

@CandyWorner I wish we had an understanding of a lot of things Tesla thought about


It's a shame they're not getting enough use.?

yes it really is


Are you all missing the obvious? INDOOR PLUMBING

Piggy backing on that one Bill Nye gave a strong argument for municipal sewer and water systems without which large cities could not exist.

The bidet❣?


Religion - what a scam.
I despise religions and religious people, but it certainly has worked out well for them considering history and current state of affairs around the world.

I was going to say this too. Albeit it had a silver lining. Before Freud opened us up to analyzing our human condition, religion as a device served it’s purpose pretty well of keeping the human condition in check. Sometimes our inventions backfire for the worse (heck we’re just seeing this now with YouTube).


It's a draw. Indoor plumbing and air conditioning. I was going to say donuts but that is so obvious.

Lol I am writing a book about donuts. My Uncle owned LaMar’s Donuts. If you have any stories,opinions, or ideas for the book I would appreciate it. Donut photos?

@CandyWorner That is great. Donuts should be one of the major food groups.


Modern plumbing. Being able to effectively deal with human waste eliminated an amazing amount of disease.

Agree 100%!


Sliced bread, obviously, since it is the yardstick to which we compare all other innovations.

I would suggest that this post may the best one know the rest lol


The antimatter toaster - I'm from the future.

What the hell are you toasting that you need antimatter to get it done?




Written language. That certainly paved the way for humans to accumulate knowledge on a scale that was never possible before.

Think I gotta go with this.




Clearly it is the goat bag you posted before.
Or maybe language. It's kind of a toss-up.

hands down the goat bag...Im kinda a goat expert and inventor, It would actually work quite well!

  1. Alphabet
  2. Mathematics
  3. Yoga pants

I agree...mostly

  1. Yoga pants 98%
  2. Alphabet 1%
  3. Mathmatics 1%

This more properly illistrates importance.


Language/writing/communication, without it, nothing we have would be possible.


The neocortex, invented by Mother Nature, seems to have started our rise as dominant species on the Earth, and gave us the capacity for doing both art and science.

Which was not a human invention.





The back scratcher (Bliss!)


Language is helpful. But I also really enjoy a cold beer every now and then.


The Internet


Slip on winter boots.

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