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Has anyone here read any of George Will's books or columns? I stumbled across him today. He was a critic of Trump despite being a long time Republican, and supported Biden. If you have heard of him, any thoughts?

Flowerwall 7 Sep 27

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Will is a long time intellectual conservative. He is honest, but far too conservative for me.

Quite surprising he is also a nonbeliever:

“While the extremism of Ted Cruz and his ilk has caused some veteran conservative columnists to be either ejected from the movement for heresy (think David Frum) or forced into uncomfortable contortions (see: Brooks, David), Will happily spouts Tea Party talking points on government overreach and Washington elitism. He has also been counseling his fellow Republicans to become less doctrinaire on social issues, several of which he has evolved on. Asked whether he was cheered by the rise of gay marriage, he coyly told me, “I’m not depressed” and described himself as an “amiable, low-voltage atheist.””


That pretty much sums up the mixed bag of views that he represents. As an atheist he doesn’t seem much of an in your face firebrand.

@Scott321 " He has also been counseling his fellow Republicans to become less doctrinaire on social issues" I wonder what this means exactly.

Surprised to hear he is an atheist when the title that drew my attention initially used the word "Soulcraft". It was the concept behind the title that I thought was interesting. I did read in criticism he was short on solutions to specific issues. The book is very dated now too so he may have undergone some change in religious ideology since he wrote it. Let's hope he didn't sell his soul to the devil. Maybe he meant the term very loosely to begin with. He has another, more recent book that looks good too.


George Will is a man of integrity. Unlike most Republicans who are awful people.

Well most Dems are currently musguided, but thanks for aswering.

@Flowerwall At least we can spell.

@barjoe Don't focus on small, inconsequential things like typos. There are much more important things in the world like the future of our nation. He does appear to be a man of integrity, I will agree. But this is not knowing very much at all on my part just an assumption based on a few things I've heard. Hopefully he will still be viewed by me in this way when I learn more about him.


It doesn't suprize me that he supports biden because biden belongs to the same club, so to speak

In what regards?


Me. He's on Real Time frequently. Bill likes him a lot. I don't find his arguments to be very convincing.

I didn't know that.

@Flowerwall You wouldn't...

@JeffMurray I didn't know he was on Real Time.

@Flowerwall I heard you. Why would you know that? I would assume Fox News was more your speed.


While considerably more intellectual that the rest of the GOP, he still suffers from all the conventional delusions of the GOP: opposing everything liberal and supporting the Christian biases and power structure. He's another Bill Buckley Jr. with somewhat less pomposity.

Oh so ppl who you disagree with are delsional?

@Flowerwall Certainly most GQP, being Christian, are delusional; and I disagree with most of their views. As one who respects science, I am always willing to listen to alternatives. Thus, simply disagreeing with me is not enough to be deemed delusional. Is there a problem?

But oddly enough George Will is an atheist.

That and his anti-Trump stance are plus points, though he is conservative so still quite flawed IMO.

@Scott321 So there is NEVER a time to take a conservative position? Watch out with that type of thinking! That's how you wind up with a completely one-sided failed government.

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