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LINK Appeals Court Dismisses Creationist’s $536,041,100 “Delusional” Lawsuit | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Basically he tried to sue the government for arresting him for his not paying taxes. He basically claims it was "religious persecution".

snytiger6 9 Sep 28

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Kent Hovind is a delusional prick.

And that IS his ONLY good point.


But Jesus said to pay your taxes.

Yes, according to the fable, he stated "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, render unto God that which is God's."

@Triphid Yes. Fable.
I am curious as to the rational for a religious exemption.

@BufftonBeotch What exactly rational/rationale for exemption/s are you curious about?

@Triphid It sounds more Sovereign Citizen than anything else.

Of course, in his deluded reasoning it's probably the same thing.

@BufftonBeotch I think that you will find that Religions, Churches in particular, get Tax Exemptions because they claim, falsely imo, to be Charitable Organisations.
And, at guess, I'd hazard to say that Hovind sees himself that way as well.

@Diagoras It's a myth. But in the myth he says "Render under Caesar that which is Caesar's." etc

@Triphid All of his income. Not just that church related? mmm-kay.
I guess have seen a couple cases where preachers argued that large lottery winnings should also not be taxed.
And just for the record. Churches should be taxed. Any charitable work they happen to do could be a deduction just like for everyone else.

@Diagoras Hang on a minute here, Now Gawd creates everything with just mere word or a handful of dust, correct?
So WHY is that Gawd who can create what ever he/she/it wishes cannot simply "magic" ALL the cold hard cash he/she/it needs BUT MUST have Con-Merchants like Hovind get it for him/her/it?

@Diagoras That I did, in fact, realise btw.


Oh what a beautiful morning this has just become upon reading this fantastic GREAT news.
Hovind gets it in the arse from the Courts, couldn't have happened to a more deserving person, all we need now is for the same/similar to behalf that raving drongo, Ken Ham followed by the likes of Copeland and we'll have a Hat-trick to celebrate.


Con artist, liar, and fundie.


So he estimated his damages based on a "conservative" 12% annual growth rate? What business in the United States (or the world) had 12% growth for 8 years straight?

Probably the difficulty was, if he had extrapolated from the actual historical growth, it would have been a flat line...


A problem I always have with jerks such as Hovind is I can't decide if they are delusional, or just plain liars and crooks.

I tend to lean towards the latter.

Can't you be both? Look at Trump & friends. Self-deluding, crooked liars.

@Paul4747 Get off your soap box and get real. OBVIOUSLY I was talking about a single subject.

Last, realize BOTH major parties lie like rugs.

@Alienbeing Your horse is pretty high there, too.

"Obviously", I was replying to the effect that Kent Hovind can be both delusional and a liar. I then followed it up with n example of several other delusional liars, for purposes of illustration.

And remind me how many U. S. presidential elections the Democratic party has tried to overturn, refusing even to admit the other candidate won? Just roughly?

Wake the fuck up. Democrats shade the truth, they misspeak, sometimes they mislead. But the Republican party, for the last 20 years, has been outright LYING about shit. Important shit, not just whether the President had consensual sex with an intern. And people like you, who draw a moral equivalent that "both parties lie, therefore they're the same," are part of the problem.

I'm not getting off my box where this subject is concerned. They're liars almost from top to bottom, and the bigger the lie, the more the faithful love it and the higher they rise in the party. That's reality. The official Republican Party is the enemy of truth. Better deal with it.

@Paul4747 Roger Stone and some of the other trumpanzees were involved in Nixon's attempted coup.
Stone also has a large tattoo of Tricky Dick between his shoulder blades.

@Paul4747 You injected politics into a non-political issue. OBVIOUSLY you have an agenda and a soapbox. Now you can try to"wake the fuck up" as you put it. BOTH parties lie constantly. Your inability to recognize that is merely another manifestation of your unwarranted neglect of fact.


In the depths of an insane mind fantasy and reality are the same thing.

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