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We always say ‘I wish I knew that when I was 20’ just curious what people older than me wish they knew at my age (43). I’ve learned a lot but what am I still missing?

antman 7 Oct 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Since last October you haven’t responded to anyone who answered your query.

Why would anyone here bother with you?

Valid point


Yes.I wish I knew more about myself back then also


I wish I knew, when I was 20 something, that I am beautiful just the way I am. And that really means the beliefs we grow up with are not always reality.
I've come to know that a happy, satisfying, successful life is about the quality of one's relationships.


Those poor eating, drinking, smoking choices that your peers have been making, seemingly without consequence, are about to come collecting in spades real soon. I am shocked at the distribution of apparent age spread that started kicking in after 50. How we spent our youth ends up mattering after all…

Zster Level 8 Oct 5, 2021

You're right about that and, at least in my case, the family genetics start to kick in as well at age 50 or so. That is when I started to develop my inherited cardiovascular conditions my parents passed on to me, as well as the varicose veins in one of my legs, inherited from my father. So both youthful health habits and genetics can be destiny, even if they don't show up until middle age. I have really noticed, at my age, how people who spent way too much time in the sun as young adults and/or were longtime smokers, really show their age or older in their appearance once they start into their 50s. Their skin is wrinkled, yellowed, or very dark brown, depending on their habits, and the smokers teeth begin to yellow also. In the case of my sister in law, she also seems to have mascular degeneration of her eyes, from all the time in the sun. We always seem to pay eventually, for your health habits.


A lot


First you need to tell us what you've learned before we know what you missed.

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