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LINK Texas School District Backtracks: There Are ‘Not Two Sides’ to Holocaust

This is a follow up to an earlier posted article about how a school said teachers needed to teach "both sides" of the holocaust.

snytiger6 9 Oct 16

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This is an abomination! Period! Just like Trump is an abomination. He said there were two sides.


Facts really don't mean much to Texas republicans.
Historic or otherwise.



“As we continue to work through implementation of HB3979, we also understand this bill does not require an opposing viewpoint on historical facts,” Ledbetter wrote. “As a district we will work to add clarity to our expectations for teachers and once again apologize for any hurt or confusion this has caused.”

What kind of retraction is continuing to work through implementation of HB3979? I mean beside a fake one?

Since for Republicans facts seen to be rather fluid and based on whatever they happen to believe in, this is not comforting!


Life was simpler when I went to school. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.


They were caught in the act of overt racism and had to backtrack

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 16, 2021

We must all pay attention and speak out otherwise they will take over.


Got caught with their pants down! I suppose the teachers will have to teach both sides of slavery too? See how well that goes over.


All the neo-Nazis and Holocaust-deniers circulate within the evangelical community. Except that they are crackpots, their hate-propaganda perfectly fits with the other hate campaigns waged against Women, non-whites, LBGT, scientists, socialists, etc. Maybe Holocaust deniers aren't ready for prime time, but they're trying. Q-fanatics love that crap.

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