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LINK Christian Mommy Blogger: Godlessness and Paganism Destroyed “Intact Families” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

I've seen religion destroy many more families than paganism or atheism.

snytiger6 9 Oct 22

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She's stupid, but we still have to share the planet with those people.

Yes, most unfortunately that is so, BUT there is the hope that she and her ilk will fall off the perch before us.


Well, when one of you is sane & the other batshit crazy, Somebody has to think of the chikdren.......


"the Transformed Wife," transformed from what, a REAL human being into a deluded, demented, deranged, God-bot who obeys every word spoken to her by her spouse, her Preacher and any other male that comes along?
Shit a load of bricks, one look at her and any bloke worth his salt would be running the other way faster than lightning, man they said Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships, Lori Alexander would have caused every man and boy in Greece to sign on as crew for those ships with one look at her ugly mug.


People like her are why the church is losing members. Please proceed you ding bat!


The babblings of Trump does a pretty good job of that as well.


It would be wrong to accuse Lori Alexander of being overburdened with brains.

Brain the size of s sesame seed.


How do you define an "intact family?" Do we know for sure that we have one, or is it just assumed or imagined.



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