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Edibles will take you from just enough to relieve your pain/trauma/whatever to Hold My Beer This is Going to be a Magic Carpet Ride. Be patient and respect dosage limits or learn to hang on tight for the next 8 hours or so.

SnowyOwl 8 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I remember eating a brownie, then like 45 minutes later, this shit is weak, so I eat two more brownies, then like five minutes after washing down the third brownie the first brownie kicks in with a vengeance and I realize I have a pretty serious couple of hours coming up so I cancel all my plans found a place to get comfortable and held on as best I could until I passed out.
Respect the edibles, because they don't respect you.

While in the Navy, out at sea, I showed up for my shift overlapping others. I was handed a cookie from a friend and put it in my pocket for after work. Anyway, one guy somehow got two cookies and ate them. He was freaking out. Some of the other guys came and got me as I was a petty officer. I said take him to the coop and put him to bed. I then went and told the Lt he was sick and I had given him permission to go to bed. LT said good work and went back to ignoring how I ran the office. I also told the guy who was in charge of cleaning the head and coop to keep an eye on him.
Definitely be wary of strength in edibles.

A very common occurrence with brownies, speaking of which I had one a half hour ago and think I have just the right amount to be able to sleep. The last couple of days were spent in the Range Rover and while it is a comfortable ride the constant sitting is murder on my broken back but I will sleep well tonight. I make my own cannabis butter from what I grow under license from the government but it is never quite the same potency when you are growing your own and then rendering it into cannabutter. Trial and error and since I make it, I am the guinea pig before I let others indulge in my special baked goods.

@SnowyOwl Weed has always been my haven, not just the weed itself, the people, the entire weed culture. I grew up in the 60's and 70's, either you conformed and became a stereotypical example of your "classification?" or you were ostracized and isolated. It was then when you found out you weren't alone, there was a group called the stoners and they were very tolerant and peaceful people that the rest of the community attempted to blame all their problems on, so we looked out for each other.
I was a lot like young Sheldon I suppose but between the abuse, isolation, neglect, and every effort to crush my spirit I came to really need a support network. ALL the great thinking was being done by stoners, years later we learned that Carl Segan was a stoner. If anything in the Navy the stoner community was even tighter than it had been in High School. After I got out I quit for a couple of decades, many of the "Stoner" community weren't like a secret society of freethinkers anymore, they had become all the Walmart crowd. Now I smoke alone to relax, and of course the pandemic didn't help, and I wonder if I'm to old to be cool anyway.


Last year I was rewatching Casablanca after half a cookie. Damn, I always loved that film, but a total new level opened up.

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