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This, along with the way a lot of Americans have a poor understanding of civics (at least nowadays) as well as those that don’t vote or only show up for the Presidential election and sit out the rest of them, is why there is no hope for the US.


The reich-wing like to push this false garbage. The ones that believe it just want to control everything and everyone.

I like that. They are the Reich wing and I think most of them know exactly what separation of church and state is. They pretend otherwise thinking we are a "Christian Nation."


One big question are just exactly what are 'Christian' principles? We've seen a few under the past (mis) administration and they are scary. Replace a democracy with a monopolistic theocracy (good luck with that). I did not the majority felt it was OK to have 'religious' symbols but they have to be only of a certain sect. Interesting in that more Catholics believe in a separation than protestants.

Because they have often been persecuted by the Protestant sects in this country, ostracized and forbidden representation in government until Kennedy was elected, not many won national elections. Now they are a majority of the Supreme Court and have held the presidency. They certainly fear a return to the past.

@Barnie2years But, at the same time, the regress express is a big part of their persona.

@JackPedigo Not for a lot of them. There are few that follow the old rules,(no meat on Friday, regular confessions). They support some of the fascist Protestant ideals, but no full well they could easily become a target of hate as well.

The only "christian principles" most of them care about are the ones that tell everyone else how to live their lives.

@Barnie2years grew up Catholic and once volunteer at a local church. We would remove the pews from the back and put them on the sides. There were other minor changes made and people got mad. They said if the church changes then what it was before was a sham. I still remember all the anger and breaking away to a new part of Catholicism when the mass was put in the vernacular. One big protester was one Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre []

Here is a piece from the Irish Times. Protesting the change was world-wide. People want the church in Latin as it lends an air of mystery. Just like in life people want someone else to do their thinking for them and prefer to be passive. They feel if they are wrong in their individual ideas they might go to hell.


@KKGator Somehow they feel if they let the evil doers take over their god will punish them all like in Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember, most of these people are told what to think and do.

@JackPedigo Yeah, but he won't, cuz he ain't real.
We can't allow their delusions to control anything.

@JackPedigo Totally!!

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