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Marriage... yea or nay

I know it’s personal, but does anyone want to share how many times they have been married ...... mine is 4.... ughhh never again ... What was I thinking

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WhoMe 4 Apr 21

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Been there thrice--never again.

yes I think anyone would be wary of marrying someone who had failed 3 times

@MsDemeanour they'd better be. It's an archaic institution, at any rate; useful only for tax and insurance purposes.


Twice and no more. Commitment does
Not require the sanctioning and interference of the state. I am not a fan.


One. Never again.

Essie Level 6 Apr 21, 2018

28 years old and just about everyone I know has been hitched..Some working on their 2nds..And here I am debating what kinda beer I want.

@jorj i tend to go with Dos Equis,Arrogant Bastard Ale and Yuengling

@jorj that's a good man


One is too many in my books I'm anuptual aswell as athiest


Zero! And that's the way it's gonna stay.


Never, by choice.


Ha. Never tied the noose.. er, I mean knot.


Maybe. When it's good it's good, when it's bad it's bad, just like everything else l have experienced in life.


Twice, with no plans for a third.


Once and I wouldn't recommend it.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

Only once and never again. A self realization that I am not good marriage material. Your milage may vary.


I was married once for 29 years. Biggest mistake of my life. I doubt I'll ever get married again, heck, not even sure if I'll ever date again. I do believe in marriage, especially while raising a family, and that the intent of marriage is to be together for life. But there has to be mutual respect and admiration, honesty and trust, some common goals and aspirations and no chance of abuse. Marriage should be entered into thoughtfully, not from outside pressure.


Once widowed, twice divorced.
Three strikes and I'm out!

@geko Nah, I'm done. Outta the game altogether. No regrets either.

@geko I wouldn't be, but there are no available candidates. Thanks for the concern though.


Twice, too old to even think about a third. My nephew has instructions to commit me if I think about getting married again.


I almost got married once, but changed my mind at the nearly last minute. I’ve never felt the need, though I did go through a mourning period when I realized I was past even the possibility of living that life, but it was very short and non-actionable. Now I don’t even want a “boyfriend “. I have 3 kids and now some grandkids so I’m good with family. My last kid is about to graduate and I want NO ties. What would that be like? I can’t wait to find out!


Married for 15 years. Happily divorced for 11.


I've never even come close to marriage. There was a time in my life when I thought I wanted to be married. But, then I started seeing my friends getting divorced and remarried two and three times and was kind of glad that I was never married. However, I am still baffled as to why so many people can find two, three, four, even five people to marry but, I can't even get close to one. That being said, I really don't think much about it anymore and am pretty sure that I don't want to be married now. I'm so used to it just being me and I'm so set in my ways I'm not sure how I would do married. We'd have to have separate rooms because I like my space. LOL. I'm not completely opposed to it if it does eventually happen. We'd have to have great chemistry.


To me marriage only makes sense if you are raising a family. That goes for straight or gay marriage.


I was married, just the once. Very happily for 8 yrs and then he died and I had 4 boys to raise.. I still love him but have had relationhips in the 18 yrs he has been gone. He was the love of my life, he left me 4 wonderful sons. I will never marry again. I'm comfortable living alone and being independent now. This is not to say I wouldn't have a partner that lived a couple of streets away.


Married once. Not something I’ll do again.

I jest about it by saying I’d rather just find a woman I don’t like and give her a house.

The reality is that was what divorce meant for me. The Scottish legal system can be fair but can also be quite unfair depending on your point of view.

I think for me the lesson is this. If I do get involved, make certain my home is mine even if a partner lives with me. Make sure all responsibility for a mortgage is mine. Make sure only my name is one the title deeds. Only accept help with bills and make sure I have it in writing that is the case.

They say “once bitten twice shy”. I wasn’t just bitten.... I was savaged and torn to shreds.


Yep and still looking!


First time for love... I may do it again sometime.


Married twice and will never marry again. I want a long term shack up, if anything. There are financial disincentives for me to marry again.


I’ve never been married. I’ve been engaged twice. I opted for long engagement first. I didn’t believe that either knew what forever or until death meant, and I was right. That being said, I am not opposed to marriage, but as I see time after time even in the comments here. Many want nothing to do with marriage. I am not sure if it makes a difference. If someone wants out, a piece of paper means very little these days.

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