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LINK “Prophet” Donna Rigney: A Future President “Will Be Even Greater Than Trump Was” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Well, that sets the bar so low that there is bound to be a president who is greater. Andy Dick would have done a better job than Trump.

snytiger6 9 Nov 10

Enjoy being online again!

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So, to be even greater than tRump would that mean that even an earthworm could be considered for President because, imo, tRump was lower than a worm's arse-hole.


The greatness of Trump being what?

Filling the swamp. Dragging America down to being a third world country. Lies, deceit, fraud and insurrection.

"Grab him by the balls!"

An absolute waste of space, oxygen, nutrients, sperm, skin, calcium and keratin, that's tRump in a nutshell.

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