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They have every right to oppose legislation that go against their beliefs. No matter are created on Tumblr, there are only two genders

You know how most males have XY chromosomes and most females have XX chromosomes? I have a friend who has XXY. I wonder how you would classify that in your limited "two gender" categories.

Just because you don't understand, or are ignorant of,something doesn't make it wrong

@snytiger6 what you are describing as Klinefelter Syndrome. That friend of yours is still a male. Two genders, not 20,000 you read on Tumblr

Um, that's religious dogma. In reality gender is a spectrum with two peaks, there's XY females and XX males just for starters with countless other variations.

@Druvius no. It is reality. If you have a guitar that rolls off an assembly line that is missing strings, it is still a guitar. A third gender is not necessarily. I would say spectrum stuff is Tumblr nonsense

@Heavykevy1985 Yes, you're a hateful bigot trying to justify your religious dogma with semantic dogcrap. Got it, no need to elaborate.

@Druvius last line of defense of a regressive leftist. Insult instead of engaging.


Well, surprise! There are more than 2 genders. As for calling someone by their preferred name I'm not sure that "Oregon Honey." would do. The teachers could stay unless they were openly against minorities and LGBT people.

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