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LINK Glen de Vries Flew In Space W/William Shatner, Dead In Crash

A Blue Origin crew member who recently joined William Shatner on his journey to space is one of two people who died after a plane crashed in New Jersey on Thursday, according to authorities.

barjoe 9 Nov 12

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Who would have thunk going into space was safer than flying over New Jersey


When your time is up, it's up.


Uh oh....hope this isn't like an Outer Limits plot where they each die a month or so apart.


Shit happens man!


Well, at least he got to go to space with Shatner before he died.


Wonder if Q has its version of what "really" happened yet.
I shouldn't make jokes. Life is just random stuff, with a mix of everyone else's choices.


That's really tough luck. I would rather fly in a jet going overseas than to fly in Blue Origin or anything else going into space. Even so, I suppose that what happens just happens.

Small planes and helicopters are less safe than going into space.

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