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"Are those your feet?" What's a stupid question you were asked?

He was looking down at my bare feet as we stood in front of a window.

"Of course they're my feet," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Most older women have horrible looking feet," he explained.

"I never wore high heels or pointy-toed shoes," I said. "High heels damage women's backs and feet. Plus, they hurt."

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 15

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I seem to kept finding 'hippy-chicks' who also never wore high heels or pointy-toed shoes. That said, I would have used a more diplomatic word route to compliment your feet without clouting you around your ears with "Most older women"!
So to pretend for a moment it was I who were standing there looking at your feet, I may not have noticed the difference.But now it is mentioned I understand his clumsy point.


If he had any chance of being your lover, he just killed it !


LOL Many answers to a "set up" question!


What a guy! LOL, he managed to say you look like an older woman and gave you a compliment about your feet at the same time.


He has had the hots for me for decades. I am not attracted to him:

  1. Hoarder.
  2. Smokes cigars and marijuana.
  3. Watches TV constantly.
  4. "You live in sloth," I told him. I was being tactful.
  5. Overweight and out of shape.

You likely have nice feet naturally besides being smart about your footwear. I have also been smart with my shoe choices, but unfortunately I was born with crazy genes that have my feet looking funny no matter how well I take care of them! He was likely just trying to pay you a compliment, but just said it in an odd way.

When guys see my bare feet for the first time, they usually say something like "Don't worry, I'm not a foot person anyway." Um... okay... thanks for pointing that fact out I guess... Sometimes silence is a better option. I've had funny looking feet young to old, but have learned not to care what others think of them.

Doesn't do me any good to be envious of people with nice looking feet. We all have our good and bad qualities in personalities and physical appearance. I like to think we all have a balance within us somewhere.

If someone asked me if they were truly my feet, it would make me wish they weren't and want a new pair, haha! Hopefully where my foot aesthetics are lacking, I make up for it with good humor.

I don't get many stupid questions, but have been asked why I "hate God" to which I reply I don't hate God, I simply don't believe in gods. Can't hate something I don't believe in, but I can hate the idea of a tyrannical god who divides people and expects everyone to live like it's 2000 years ago in the middle east. I prefer to live in the present and use those extra 2000 years of human intellect and wisdom which have been recorded in literature and civil laws as we are evolving into a (hopefully) more civil society.

I definitely understand bad genes and bad feet. Despite the way my feet look they've served me well I did my 11,150 steps already today.

@Lorajay As long as I can still dance and go on my evening walks, I'm happy!


Holy Face-Palm what an idiot. A similar story was when a co worker - Erick - asked me I would photograph is wedding. Another co-worker (Brenda Jechort) was walking by and overheard Erick's question and responded, "Oh, you're getting married - TO A GIRL?! I instantly responded, "No, he's consummating a long term relationship with his left hand." She responded with a condescending "huhhh" and quickly walked away.


You were smart. I know women who have corns and bunions because they always insisted they wore a smaller shoe.


Thank you.

If clothes, boots and shoes are not comfortable, I reject them.

I've had bunion removal on both feet. My feet have always been shaped like duck feet and I've always taken great pains to wear proper fitting shoes but I still started getting bunions about 10 years ago. The orthopedic surgeon assured me that bunions are hereditary so it's not always ill-fitting shoes.


Women have been ruining their feet for fashion for years, so damn stupid

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 15, 2021

Too many foot surgeries for me to look pretty......


lol. I would have said, no, I’d stolen them from a younger woman. “Stupid” questions usually come from nervous people. Sometimes they ask the same question more than once. I’ve asked my share.


first meeting a fella who became a great friend and classmate, i was pointing out where the elevators were and he asked if they went up and down. i said very seriously that "no, they moved diagonally". i never let him forget that.



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 15, 2021

So, so many stupid questions.


I'm offended that he referred to you as an "older" woman. And does he expect you to have had a foot transplant? Sounds like his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.

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