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What’s the longest you’ll allow dirty dishes to be in the sink?

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Absolutely never. I absolutely hate messes.


Taking the Fifth.




I usually clean them the next day, but when I get busy I've left them for weeks haha it happens, and I don't get many guests. I always clean for guests.


I don't know if I have ever found my upper limit. Depends on how busy I am, I guess. I don't keep close track of it, but I try to keep the health department out of the picture.

It really isn't that bad 😉


Lol. Overnight. I will leave the really crusted up supper dishes (pans) to soak. But the next morning, I make my coffee, sit on the porch & drink it, then go straight in and wash them. Can't stand dishes sitting.

Lol I can’t, either. I actually got annoyed by people who have dishes sitting for days at a time.


Until I get back from my appointment elsewhere


I do them after eating. Usually the pot/pan before while it's hot.


wash immediately.


I live alone and wash them as I use them. it's just easier.


As long as it takes to wash them.🙂

I can't stand a dirty kitchen.

marga Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

No longer than a,few hours


I wish I had a dishwasher. I do dishes at least once a day.

RichE Level 5 Apr 22, 2018

I just can’t!


I get them rinsed with hot water as soon as possiblr before residue hardens. Washing with detergent can then be delayed until next day.


Nowadays, I wash them immediately or in the morning if it's too late.


I can't stand to have even one dirty dish in the sink.

I wash them in the morning after breakfast. Dry them and put them away.

If any get dirtied during the day when I see them they get washed.

After dinner, I wash them again.
I know this is more than a little obsessive, but it could be something far worse. lol


I wash them first thing in the morning.


Mostly I want to wash immediately, so I try not to use many.


I will not leave them in the sink, If I don't get to them right away, my roommate will.


what year is this?...after a while, it isn't 'dirt' but that individual who lives in your to toss it a cookie every once in a longer is there an unclean knife in the sink, but an armed life form...treat accordingly.

I was going to ask what month, I think you beat me both ways. I have this vague hope that one day it will be full of nice fresh mushrooms.

When it tries to eat you, it's time to do something....

@Holysocks MORE COOKIES!

Mmm....Typewriter! Nomnomnom...


Never. Everything is cleaned right after eating. I have a dish washer so most dishes go in there but pans are always hand washed.


...only minutes, if possible, in culinary school, chefs are drilled to "clean as you go" -- start clean, end clean. But, the general rule is ...never go to bed with anything in the kitchen needing cleaned. EVER.


Till I walk by the sink the second time.


I mostly clean up as I cook, but the after dinner dishes wait until the next morning. I put the coffee on and do the dishes......

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