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Do you like food after it’s been put in the microwave from being in the refrigerator?

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I have two microwaves in my kitchen. I microwave almost everything I eat.


Depends on the food but most of the time I'm just glad I don't have to cook


i don't have any problem with most foods being reheated in the microwave, if its like a pork chop or chicken, i might cook it at a lower power so it doesnt get overdone, and i don't care for some kinds of potato reheated, fries, tots, fried potatoes i will eat, but i like them better fresh. i don't care for most foods being cooked in the microwave tho, like the main show and all. maybe some steamed veggies, but thats about it, i like microwaves for reheating, not cooking.

Byrd Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

Sometimes. I like Asian rice dishes reheated but I'll eat my pizza cold rather than microwave it.

Sigh...another guy I thought would be great for me ruined by cold pizza

@LadyAlyxandrea I have a strong dislike for cold pizza

There's a trick to it. Put a shot glass of water in the corner, it magically prevents the crust from getting chewy.


It's a matter of convenience


I like food? 😛


Everything seems to lose most of it's flavor when zapped.


Depends on the food I guess.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

lasagna,pizza, fried rice are all yumo


I reckon chilli tastes better after it's been chilled and zapped. More depth of flavour. Not anything that's supposed to be crispy, though.


yep, I am a maestro of the microwave.


It depends on what it is.


I do and some things are fine but I hate wasting food and I live on my own so what am I going to do?


Just a side point: cold pizza. I saw a recipe of putting some olive oil in a pan and frying them until crispy. Haven't tried it, but sounds like an idea. I cook once or twice a week, put leftovers in the 'frig. Cover all food being reheated with some type of type. If it's meat add a dash of water to the mix -- it brings back a lot of flavor.




No, I eat the food cold


I loathe and detest microwaves so I don't have one. I don't like the way it changes the food (consistency and taste). And I'm still not convinced that they are totally safe. I like the term 'nuker-wave', thanks ChrisSearle82 for that.


Noooo !! Fresh for me and no mircowave usually !!


It certainly doesn't taste as nice


Depends on the foood... some yes, some no. Most of the time, I'd rather go hungry if it isn't fresh.


I keep reading articles and their rebuttals...over microwaves altering the chemical compsitions of food. Microwaves have their place...but fried foods never keep well no matter how you reheat them. I usually use mine for melting things, boiling water and defrosting....


I cook for one but it is inefficient to cook for one so I usually cook by batch. Then I microwave left overs as needed so food is not wasted. Microwave is essentially just warming food already prepared.


Anything except French fries...chili sometimes tastes better reheated to me.


I was just reading about how pasta is better for you if cooled and reheated. the molecular structure changes and it acts more like fiber in your digestive system. []

MsAl Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

I guess I would starve to death if I had a problem with that!

Hear hear

Please don't !


Yes. Yummy!

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