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LINK Police flee room after using stun gun on man who burst into flames, video shows | KGET 17

Of course they file the room. They certainly weren't about to help him stop, drop and roll after they caused him to combust. #shm

It's one thing when one or two people have no collective common sense, but FFS, I learned about STOP, DROP AND ROLL, in 3rd grade. And it was too help others, not only myself.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 8

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Blue suicide


Fucking cops!


It would have been much more humane to strangle him or shoot him instead of having to live with burns for a month and a half.


Haven't we seen enough deaths by tasers? I'm for outlawing them.


YIKES! Horrible video (kinda wish I had not watched it) and I think the guy trying to explain/justify the cops actions needs to be smacked up side the head.


We need a WTF emoji. Only an idiot would do that. We hire idiots as police officers.


No matter what the verdict on their use of the taser, that video will cost the police a lot if money. The cops should be held responsible for that lack of actions, the lack of rendering aid.

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