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What is your take on Right To Repair ?

Lawmakers propose changes in stalled right-to-repair law


FearlessFly 9 Jan 14

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. . . an update :



Car manufacturers are the reason I'm for mass transit. Greedy buggers. I'm all for right-to-repair and happy for the pressure on Apple to allow it.

Price gouging is a useful way of increasing corporate profits.


For Mercedes Benz the headlight has to be married to the car, so they have to use a specific computer, which communicates to GERMANY, to marry the light module to the car... To replace a headlight.

VW has to "pair" the battery with the car. You can't replace your own battery any more.

. . . and let us not forget John Deer


It's time to send John Deere a Dear John 🙂

IMO, this legislation is way overdue.

How sweet would an "open source" car be?
Standardized frame, lights, connectors, everything. You could buy the standardized parts from any manufacturer and everything would be plug and play. The cars would all be boring and similar, but they'd be dirt cheap to buy, repair, upgrade, etc.

Don't forget Elon Musk. []

@barjoe . . . tesla system(s) are already modifiable (not necessarily a good thing) :


@FearlessFly This was the part of The Drive article that irritated me and would preclude me from ever buying a Tesla.

Buying a high-voltage component from Tesla is nearly impossible. While this isn't necessarily an anti-Right to Repair stance, it certainly doesn't make the issue any easier. The real conundrum will happen later if and when Tesla discovers the non-OEM fix. Tesla's Legal page has an "Unsupported or Salvage Vehicle Policy" which covers salvaged vehicles as a whole, whether or not the reason for being salvaged is related to the high voltage battery pack. Specifically, it states that Tesla will permanently disable access to its Supercharging network for any unsupported repairs to protect its own vehicles and its repair technicians. Tesla also reportedly decided to disable fast charging using third-party chargers under the same reasoning last year.

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