In case you missed the Whoopi Goldberg you go;
BTW...Whoopi adopted the name "Goldberg" to be "of the jewish race" even though she's fundamentally agnostic.
For Whoopi to say the Holocaust was not about race only demonstrates an unfortunate ignorance of Hitler and Nazism on her part. Hitler and the Nazis hijacked the concept of race and redefined it to justify their anti-Semitism and desire to kill 'undesirables'. Hitler and the Nazis made copious reference to the Aryan Race, except that this label has no real definition or defining characteristics. By defining Jews as non-Aryan, Goldberg should have understood that Blacks, Asians, and so many others did not qualify as members of the "Master Race". The Germans would treat these 'Others' the same as the Jews if the Germans had got the chance.
Here's the actual segment:
I respect you and your interpretation, although mine differs. There are numerous problems with the race argument. The Nazis spoke of race, but although the Jews were their main target there were other targeted groups who were not identifiable by race, like gays and disabled. Despite what the Nazis said, I agree with Whoopi that the Holocaust went beyond race as history's greatest example of the inhumanity within humankind.
The whole issue of race is now said to be genetically unsubstantiated and up for debate. Further, race and ethnicity are 2 different things. Being Jewish is an ethnicity not a race, regardless of what the Nazis thought. This argument has been had many times in many ways but the traditional criteria for race is not met by being Jewish.
In the final analysis, Whoopi did not misrepresent any facts and should be entitled to draw her own conclusions when interpreting what historical events "are about". I don't believe she had cruel intentions in expressing her view and she apologized for any hurt she had caused. I think further discussion would have been much more beneficial to this situation than imposing sanctions which shut down discussion. Given the political climate, perhaps this is exactly the right time for this discussion to be reignited!
I've written about this a couple of times and will probably leave it at that but I am interested in anything else you want to share. Thanks for hearing me out.
@LovinLarge I don't see any disagreement! I suspect she is not ignorant of Nazi propaganda, but was being 'cute' in seeking to focus on the fallacy of so-called Aryans being a different race from Jews (both white). I totally agree that this is a very good time to explore the topic in detail and that The View should invite a few experts who can provide the needed diplomacy and depth.
Thanks for sharing that clip. The topic was a great one....the discussion was important. Again, thanks...but Whoopi did mis-speak.