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LINK The Epitome of Joe Rogan

After listening to this crap I’m glad Rogan isn’t available on Overcast or Pocket Casts. What an arrogant obnoxious a-hole. How can anyone justify or defend how he responded to the person who challenged him on the chimps?

There are so many other much better podcasters out there. Rogan is a joke. A bad one at that.

Scott321 7 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I have been listening to Joe for over two years. Yes, he will go off on some topic that he seems to know nothing about, but then does not everyone. Yes, he is on the air and has many followers, he has total idiots on there every once in a while, he has people on who are supposed experts, but after listening to them it becomes obvious that they may be experts, but they have no grasp of reality. I enjoy the tangents he goes off on. They are interesting and if you want to check the topic out it is easy to do so. He is a comedian and a good entertainer. He also tells everyone that he is an idiot and does not know much about anything. It is still enjoyable, and he has had many people on who are pushing the envelope of science and economics, they are good people and have much to say.
Of course, I do not need to defend Joe, but he does have a show and everyone has the ability to not listen f they do not like him.


What an asshole, especially when you know that it was already long refuted and he was in fact the one who wasn't keeping up.

For the clip in context see 1:47:40 here:

Doesn’t make it any less horrible, but in case anyone thinks it was contrived.


He's racist, sexist and unconcerned with the truth - he's everything that will hold us back as a society.


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