7 13

i see lots of posts depicting belief, believers, religion etc. in a despariging light. i wanna say "so what", "big deal", it didn't take much to figure out, we've all been thru some kinda mess or frustration with it. move on. a post for non-believers to affirm thier non-belief for more non-believers. wasted effort and wasted expression as far as I'm concerned. so theres no god. big whoop..

hankster 9 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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A lot of anti-religion posts are made by new members, who are often looking for affirmation, reassurance and community. So they make obvious statements about religion in order to reassure themselves that they are in the right place, and in the hope that that will earn them credit with the new community they are joining. It is best to just give a little encouragement if you can, even if you have read identical things hundreds of times before, or if you can't be bothered with that, ( and there are days when I can't ) then you can just ignore them, there is plenty of other stuff on here. (Though sometimes I think that there is a little too much provincial politics.)

And the same goes for the few smart ass old blokes, whose hight of intellectual attainment is bashing the other lot. Just be kind to dumb animals, or ignore them. I can assure you from personal experience, that we dumb ass old blokes are quite used to being ignored.

Morning! It's kinda sad when anyone so obviously tries to 'fit in' by posting stuff in the anticipation that many others will like their posts, but then, if you say something like you have a Cristain neighbour and they're nice, you get labelled as a sympathiser by other atheists and become a target of doregatory comments. I can understand that this site may serve as a haven for atheists. I wouldn't like to think that it's an echo chamber, though.

@Ryo1 True, but I don't think it is all that sad that new people try to fit in, by posting obvious stuff intended to please. That is just what all people new to any community do, and it is a natural part of life. You have to find your feet in any new community and learn what it is about, and most people when they are unsure, and want to make friends, try to be people pleaser's. Except of course for the sociopathic narcissists who start by telling the community that they are wrong, and only the newby has all the answers, but they are sadly, a natural part of life too.

And fortunately I have heard people on here say that they know nice believers, and that has been met with approval, so hopefully we are a little better than a hate echo-chamber.


Check out the posts above yours on the home page. Whether we want to be activists or not, this "war" is being brought to Secular the USA

twill Level 7 Feb 19, 2022

Which is why I do not hesitate to give very god mobster that crosses my path a thorough intellectual spanking.


If someone is writing something you are not interested in, the block button is an option. Also topics are separated into groups, so you can pick your interests or start your own group. Otherwise your badly spelled bloviating is just a cry for attention.


I have been feeling the same way. When I first joined it seemed different. Lots of people were in the chat rooms and they would talk about a range of subjects. We shared a number of laughs with minimal reference to religion. I guess in a way, I came here to escape the topic. But lately, it has been a huge topic. I can understand posting something about religion as a threat to our collective wellbeing, how it impacts the government, or even an occasional scandal. But it would be nicer if it was not the dominant topic.

And I understand that for some people here who had once been immersed in religion, breaking from that religion maybe something that they want to discuss here.My break came at a young age and was painless. I was allowed to think for myself while growing up. So maybe that is why I do not share a lot of the bitterness.

See above. Don’t like subject, don’t choose it. Don’t like person, block him/her. Bitterness? Really? Is that how you describe the righteous anger people who have been seriously harmed by religion feel about the ongoing power of the Big Grift and its presence in government and other parts of society? Keep your judgment to yourself and find another site, you won’t be missed.

@Killtheskyfairy Bitterness breeds such hostility. The fact that you reacted the way you did to my post proves my point. I think it is sad that you are that bitter.


I could see your point if this wasn't What else do we all have in common if not that? Where else should we go to vent?

iow you do not know what "gnostic, agnostic" means yet either?

@hankster well, i mean...what does "gnostic" mean, after all? And then what must "agnostic" mean? Has zero to do with God fwiw


I'd like to agree with you, but I can't.

Religion poses too great a risk to everyone for me to ignore it.
If it weren't influencing public policy, and
harming people, it probably wouldn't bother me as much.
However, people are suffering from it's influence and direct actions, so I cannot turn a blind eye to it.

If believers could keep their delusions to themselves and not try to force others to live according to how they think we should, I wouldn't have a problem with them.
BUT, they can't, so I do.

@hankster Again, I'd really like to agree, but I can't.
Believers are foisting their influence on far too many aspects of our lives.
Their influence even reaches economics, warfare, racism, and climate stuff.

@hankster You are absolutely entitled to your opinion.

I agree that religion poses one of our biggest threats today. It causes all the problems. I have turned very sharply to atheism, peace and stopping the need to control others. But just mouthing off is only venting and it does not bother me if it makes any of you happy. As I age, I have learned that allowing others to have their say and not reacting is the best gift I can give.


True. No big whoop. Just others wanting to be reaffirmed or put in their own two cents.

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