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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Chris222 1 Mar 5

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I doubt this is a scammer, due to the photo of the OP looking way too average. Unless the scammers are finally learning to be more subtle....


Scammer or no scamner it is true, especially when one gets older.


I only wish that were true, so many times in our and mind life!!!


Lemme guess: Your Grandma found this embroidered on a pillow she bought at a yard sale?

@AnneWimsey I thought grandma had it tattooed on her chest! Lol


I suspect a new scammer, I guess we'll wait and see!

Anytime they post before they fill out their profile questions.

@barjoe @Garban I noticed they always post this kind of shit! Lol

@Garban I guess they get bored or maybe they're trying to get better at their scam!

@Garban Most skeptic's are not this cheesy! 😂😂😂

@Garban Welcome to the site and nice to meet you here! Hope you enjoy it! This is a better social media experience than the other's, well in my opinion. Lol


I think it sometimes can.

It's a lovely quote by Lao Tzu. It's polite to give credit to the author of a quote.


Its nice sentiment but it's not true.

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